364. Out of the Base


However… it was indeed quite the torture to use one main ingredients to cook so many dishes every single day.

Lucy really wanted to go to them and asked if there were any other type of dishes.

But at the same time, she didn't dare to use their phone to call. What if their phones were wired or anything? She didn't dare to take the risk and Mark told her that they would ask about it after they met later.

Mark's physical strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

Lucy's fire ability could even compare or even better than the five leaders. In the fight just now, she had used her ability to fight from time to time, but Mark told her to hold back a little bit.

So Lucy still has more than enough ability to scare the guards if it was necessary.

"Do you have enough ability?" Anna asked.

"It should be enough." Lucy tilted her head, not sure about this.