366. Alicia’s Request

"Why do you say all these?" Dylan asked, his tone remained calm as he continued to drive. They were getting further away from the base and the snow was piling up even more. It would be hard for the van to continue moving forward at this case.

"I'm not your enemy and I'll never be," Alicia said. "I just want you to protect me, protect me to be able to go through the dangerous period safely."

"Did you see anything?" Lucas asked worriedly.

"What I see can be changed." Alicia smiled. "It's not a definite and someone is definitely interfering with it."


"Because there are some people whom I couldn't see the future."

Couldn't see the future?

Alicia saw everyone looked in her direction, but she turned her head to look in Anna's direction. Whenever she tried to look at someone's future, she only needed to think about that person's name before going to sleep. Because after that, she would dream about them.