371. Dull Powder

She couldn't believe that the researchers have such a bad taste for name like this. But thinking about the names of those scientific things that was so hard to remember… Lucy felt that such an easy name was better.

Compared to a long name that was hard to spell and hard to write, Lucy definitely prefer such a simple name.

Of course, it would not change the fact that she felt the person who named this dull powder had such bad naming sense. What kind of name is this dull powder? A literal name?

Lucy sighed at the low creativity of the person who made this name.

"That's the worst name I have ever heard." Mark couldn't agree more.

Even Lucas's expression showed several questions marks on his face. He couldn't understand how it ended up with such an unremarkable name.

He himself had been mocked by his friends because his naming ability was not very good, but even he would not name something with dull powder. It was a really strange name.