375. Banter (3)

Lucy watched this hilarious scene and her lips twitched.

"If there's any official ranking, I'm sure that Anna will be placed at the very top."

Alicia nodded in agreement.

With the strength that Anna showed just now, they could be sure that there wouldn't be many people who could compete with her.

Hell, most people might even want to run away when they saw Anna in fear that they would be killed. Her abilities were far above than what other people could reach in this current time.

"Now, let's get started with the building projects and just ignore those two." Anna snorted.

Lucy chuckled. "Are you sure it's fine to leave them be out there?"

"Even if they burn down the trees, I don't really care as long as it's not harming my plants," Anna replied with a shrug.

As if answering to Anna's words, there was an explosion and a tree fall down following the shouts from Dylan and Lucas.

Mark: "…"