Does he want to blow up the door? The Lawson family butler, who was hiding at the door, trembled. He didn't dare to delay and immediately ran to the hall. He immediately reported everything to the people present. "What did you say? Eric dared to blow up my door!" Stephen was shocked when he heard Butler's words.

"Eric dared to blow up my door!" Stephen was shocked when he heard what Butler said. "I want to know if he has the guts to do so! He is a useless person and disabled." Karen did not expect Eric to be arrogant. Everyone knew what kind of a person Eric was, so they guessed he didn't dare to blow up their family's door.

The Lawson family didn't have any familiar ties with Odette. The fact that they closed the door indicated their attitude. They didn't want to see any guests today. The Lawson family didn't expect Odette to insist on coming. "Master, even Eric Smith's reputation isn't good, he is after all Second Young master of the Smith family. If he blew up our door, then this matter will hurt both families." Butler said.

Even if they didn't want to see the two people outside the door, it wouldn't be a good idea to close the door. Paula looked at her nails and said, "You don't need to pay attention to them. Eric is not strong. He was suppressed by Joey all these years. I want to see what the two of them want to do."

Others might be afraid of Eric but she wasn't. In the future, she would be the mistress of the Smith family. He was someone who was abandoned by his family. When she married Joey she would have plenty of opportunities to teach a good lesson to Eric and Odette. At that time, no matter what they did, she would be able to control them.

The Butler wanted to say something, but seeing Stephen agreed to Paula's words, he could only do it. He told the people at the door, not to care about the people outside, They only needed to lock the door properly.

"Dad, Mom, why did you let me and Eric marry back then? Even if I marry Joey in the future, if the news that I have an engagement with that useless person gets out, I will still be laughed at by others!" Paula's face was full of dissatisfaction. Now, many people knew that she and Eric were engaged. Luckily, she had spent money to block the news in time. Otherwise, this news would have been spread long ago.

"What do you know? Back then. Eric was very powerful. He was also an influential figure in the Smith family. Unfortunately, a car accident turned him into a useless person, and that was why he wasn't popular in the Smith family for the past few years. But from this, it could be seen that Joey was indeed stronger and more ruthless than Eric."

Back then, Eric was very powerful. No one in the City could defeat him, but he was destroyed by a car accident. If he hadn't become a useless person now, Stephen would have been very optimistic about his engagement with Paula. It could be seen that Eric was not the best candidate for Paula's marriage.

"Paula, how is your relationship with Joey? You must be with him well and not let him be seduced by other women." "Mom, don't worry. Don't tell me you don't understand your daughter's means! How could he be out of my control?" Paula was very proud of this. Joey was under her control, and no other woman could get closer to him.

"That's good, remember" Before she could finish her words, there was a loud noise outside. The glass of the villa was shaking. "What's going on?" Stephen stood up, the butler ran in panic. "Not good. Eric blew up the gate!"

Such a big commotion attracted the attention of the people nearby. This time, the Lawson family completely lost their face. "What? Eric, this useless man, actually dared to do such a thing!" Stephen immediately ran out of the house angrily. After Stephen ran out, he found that the gate had indeed been destroyed. Even the wall had collapsed and the ground was in a mess.

"Eric, what do you think you're doing? How can you do this to this home?" Stephen saw Eric and the other two standing cold outside. He was filled with anger. Eric's eyes were calm. When he heard Stephen's words, he couldn't help but speak coldly. "Lawson family is good at doing things. Today. I and my wife are going home, but the door of the house is closed. If this matter spreads out, I'm afraid that it will hurt the Lawson family's reputation."

"If you do this, the elders of the Smith family will not support you. Eric the reputation of the Smith family will be affected as well!" Stephen was furious. Although he knew that Eric had a violent temper, he never thought that Eric would do such a thing. He had completely stood his reputation.

"Reputation?" Eric smiled. "Reputation is just a luxury to me. I don't care or need about it anymore." He had been humiliated for so many years. He did not care what others thought of him.

"You!" Stephen was angry. This was the first time he heard this from Eric. Eric could care less about anything. But the Lawson family could not ignore anything. Stephen said to Odette, "I'm your uncle, after all. Why did you let your husband blow up our gate, your own family? You have wasted so many years of my care for you!"

Without Odette's reply to what he said, Eric immediately let out a slight laugh and said, "So you know that you are Odette's uncle." "Eric, don't be too arrogant," Stephen shouted angrily. "I have already blown up the door. What are you going to do with me then?" Eric's cold tone sounded, causing everyone in the family to be stunned. Stephen clenched his fists. he had never suffered such loss before. If he didn't do anything today, the reputation of his family would be completely lost.

Stephen couldn't help but look at Odette and said in an unhappy tone, "Odette, even if you are married, you are still part of this family. Are you going to watch your own family be bullied?" Odette had already seen the true face of her family. If it wasn't for her mother's illness, she would not have interacted with this family.

When she was chased out of the house, why didn't she get the proper care from these people? "Uncle, what you said made me not know how to answer. Today was supposed to be the day I went home. Not only was the gate closed but you also pushed all the blame on me. Is this the so-called family?" Odette's words were firm and forceful, without any fear. No matter what, at this time she had to support her husband.