"Mrs. Cooks, you don't have to call me madam anymore. You can call me Odette." When they address her like that she feels a little awkward. That way addressing seemed to be in a high society. She felt uncomfortable listening to the word Madam. "This madam can't be done, it is against the rules." Mrs. Cook knew that Odette did not put on airs, but if those people from the old residence heard this, they would make a big fuss. Mrs. Cooks still wanted to say something but Odette's phone rang. Odette smiled and said, "I will go out and take the call."

Mrs. Cooks saw who the call was from, the call was from Beth and Odette frowned. Why did Beth call her? Could it be that Beth lost her face today so she wanted to settle the account with her? Odette wanted to hang up the phone because Beth always had something too harsh to do. It was just that Odette didn't count the patience of Beth. She called again and again. Odette could only answer the phone and say, "Do you need something?"

Beth's voice was loud. "You dare to hang up my call? Come and meet me right now, I have something to say to you." Beth had already been wronged and now she was about to explode in anger. "Why should I listen to you?" Odette laughed. "Besides, I am very busy and don't have time to meet an important person like you." Odette's words could be considered as giving Beth a face, but Beth was already so angry that her face turned dark.

"Don't forget your mother's medical fees are paid by my family. If you want your mother to live and continue the process, come see me now!" This move is used so many times, that she clenches her fists. "Other than using my mother to threaten me, what else do you have to use against me?"

"You not afraid? Let me tell you, you only have 15 mins. If I don't see you, I'll immediately call the hospital and stop your mother's treatment." Beth did not wait for Odette to reply and hung up the call. She was very angry and Odette must have the taste. On the other side of the phone, Odette was very angry but she could go to the appointment. "Odette, what happened to you? Do you want to call young master?" Mrs. Cooks, who was standing at the kitchen door, heard Odette's words to the other line and walled over.

Odette looked at Mrs. Cooks and said, "I'm fine." Odette waved her hand, "My cousin is looking for me. I will be back after a while. Nothing will happen. You don't need to tell Eric about it." Odette gives a smile to Mrs. Cooks. Odette turned around and picked up her bag and ran out of the house. Fifteen minutes, Beth's time was too high.

Odette came to the meeting place that Beth gave. After entering the cafe, she saw Beth and sat opposite to Beth. "If you have something to say, say it now. I have places to be and things to do." Odette said. "You better kill that attitude of yours, otherwise you'll be the one who will suffer." Beth played with the phone in her hand. She wanted to see Odette in low spirits.

Odette was annoyed and immediately slammed the table as she stood up. "If you don't want to say it, I will be leaving now. And don't use my mother again, I would not be your day."

"Is that so? Then I have to thank your mother." Beth tidied her clothes and continued to sit opposite Odette. "If you have something to say, say it quickly. I will leave if you're not going to say it." Odette was annoyed when she saw her proud look. She did not want to waste more time because of this.

"Grandpa already knows what you did at the house," Beth spoke. Odette was stunned for a moment and then her face became motionless. "So what?" She did not want to see anyone from that family. Her grandfather would not support her now. "I called you here today because I want you to tell Grandfather that what happened that day was your fault."

When her grandfather came home and found out about this matter, he would lose his temper. Stephen was afraid that the old man would scold him, so they thought of this method. "You want to distort the truth and make me take the blame for you?" Stephen shut the door tightly, not letting them in. Only then would Eric be angry and blow up their gate. Lawson's family didn't say anything about Eric's case directly, so they could only push the blame to Odette.

How pathetic! "Odette, you should be concerned about your mother, not arguing with me." With this weakness of Odette. Even if she married the Smith family, her life would not be good. "Beth, can you change of your way doing things? How many times have I taken the blame for you all these years? You threaten me every time with my mother."

In the past, she was helpless, but now, she had a golden card given to her by Eric. As long as she didn't spend any money from the Lawson family in the future, she wouldn't have to suffer and follow them ever again. However, unless she had no other choice, she didn't want to owe Eric a favor. Odette held her anger, "You are right. I should indeed agree to your request for my mother's sake. If you have nothing else to do, I will be leaving first."