Beth stepped forward and pulled Joey back. His palm was boiling. It could be seen that the medical effect had taken effect. She did not intend to wait any longer. She ignored Joey's refusal and pulled him into her car. Seeing all of this in the car, Odette shook her head in disdain, "I thought Beth could learn to be smarter, but in the end, she was still stupid. If Joey woke up and found that something was wrong, she definitely would not have a good end in the future."

"Let's go back first, the good show is still coming," Eric ordered Billy to drive. If this matter could succeed, Beth would publicize it. The one who would be affected would be Joey. After all, the Smith family was prestigious. If this matter was reported on the news, the Smith family would never forgive him. Beth finally managed to get Joey to the front passenger seat. Just as she was about to go to the hotel, Joey rushed over and firmly grabbed the steering wheel.