Eric glanced at him, turned around, and continued to play with the plants and flowers on the balcony. "Brother, look at the flowers and plants on the balcony. Even after experiencing the wind and the rain, they can still live so brightly. A setback might not be a bad thing. You look down on me and humiliate me. But every time, it is me who takes the initiative, right?"

"Eric, don't think that I don't know what to do. These few days, there have been problems in the company. Are you one behind all this?" Joey was too lazy to beat around the bush with him and directly questioned him. These problems made him anxious and could not be solved in a short time. It's giving him a headache.

After a careful investigation, he found that it was Eric who dug the pit for him. "You have been managing the company all this time, but when there is a problem, you blame me? Eric looked at him with disdain, "If it speaks out, aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"