Judy instantly cried out. But she did not say anything and just looked at Eric. Joey pointed at Eric and shouted, "Eric, do you still have a conscience? She is our mother, and you dare to treat her like this. If you have any anger, you can come at me. Don't bully our mother!"

"That's your mother, don't use the word 'us' and confuse us." After Eric finished speaking, Judy didn't know whether she was angry or if she remembered something, then she fainted. Joey picked Judy up and looked at Eric fiercely. "You better watch your words. If I hear this next time, I will not let you off."

"I will be waiting for you at any time." After saying that, he pulled out Odette's hand and left the office. Odette did not know what to say for a moment. She was shocked by the scene just now. After coming out, Eric did not say anything and lowered his head. But his face said all of his sorrow and pain.