Two days later it was Odette's birthday, Eric had originally planned to throw a party for her birthday. But who knew things would turn like this, Eric hoped Odette could accompany him to celebrate her birthday.

It had been a long time since the two of them chatted and laughed together. Ever since she was kidnapped, the two of them had become much more distant. No matter how hard he tried, Odette still did not recognize him.

Sometimes she would be silent without a word and sometimes she would be so mad that it became hard for him to control her. He was simply helpless. The doctor said that her situation would stabilize slowly, but till now there has been no progress. 

This morning after Eric settled Odette down, he walked to the door and was about to get in the car to leave for the company. However, when the car was about to go out of the front gate, there was suddenly someone jumped in front of the car.