Now looking at the two children in front of her, she remembered her son's appearance when he was born. They looked exactly like their father. Richel looked at the two children and then turned to Odette, "They are your children. Look, how small they are. If they didn't get their mother's care at this age, what do you think will happen?"

Odette slowly lowered her head and did not say anything but she kept staring at the two little figures on the bed. As if she was recalling something, the corner of her mouth raised slightly. Then, she frowned again. She looked frustrated and her eyes were filled with complicated emotions. It was as if she was fighting with herself. 

Richel, who had years of experience, could read people's faces at a glance. Seeing her like this, Richel faintly felt that Odette had recovered a long time ago. She was just pretending to be sick, perhaps she was avoiding something.