"It's in this morning, Stephen is at the hospital right now. I have asked Billy to pick you up."After the kidnapping case, Odette's safety was the most important for them right now. Eric didn't want to take any risks to Odette's security. No matter where she went, she needed Casper or Billy to personally pick her up.

"Alright," After Odette hung up the call, she first went to find the servants. Odette's health was not good for a long time after childbirth, so Eric arranged for several professional caregivers to take care of both Odette and the children. Odette instructed the caregiver to care for the two children in her absence. She then returned to her room, quickly changed her clothes, and went downstairs. 

Billy was already waiting at the door. As soon as Billy saw Odette, he respectfully called out, "Madam," Odette hurriedly put on her jacket and said, "Let's go." When Stephen saw Odette rushing over, he frowned slightly.