What did they think of her? "Then you should be glad that your surname is Touch," Alexander spoke ruthlessly, not even regarding his daughter's feelings. "Do you think I want it?" Natasha sneered. 

How did she manage to survive all these years? Only Natasha knew it. A woman had gone through such tough training and completed an impossible task. No one cared if she was willing to accept these things. 

"Even if you don't want it, you have to. From now on, you are not allowed to go out. Prepare for your marriage with Ryan." Alexander's face was resolute, he had already taken a liking to the West family long ago. 

Although Natasha had a child, with the Touch family's presence, the West family didn't dare to say anything. "You agreed to the marriage yourself. I didn't agree to it." Natasha still gives in. She had been manipulated by others for so many years. Now, her marriage couldn't be ruined by her father.