Natasha's expression eased up a little. "Don't mention it, Mr. Grey." The lunch was rather silent because Eric did not take the initiative to talk and Natasha could not find anything to talk about. Suddenly, Natasha placed of green beans in front of Eric, "Mr. Grey, this plate of green beans tastes good. You can try it."

Although she said it with a smile, if one heard it carefully, one could feel her probing tone. Eric looked at the place of green beans that were placed in front of him and frowned. It seemed that Natasha still had doubts about him because she knew very well that Eric was allergic to green beans. 

Eric looked at Natasha and did not miss the contempt and doubt that was flashed in her eyes. Eric smiled, reached out his chopsticks, and put a green bean into his mouth without hesitation. he chewed it in front of Natasha and did not forget to praise, "It is indeed not bad."