Chapter Forty-Five


Today was odd. I woke up... light. 

Talon found me while I rested in the library, my furrowed brows and tight shoulders quickly eased. 

But don't you see! It wasn't one grey day, not one straight line stretching to infinity. Today curved, it flexed and bent. It danced! I felt more than one thing in a single day, and it wasn't only negative. 

I felt multiple things in one day, and it wasn't all negative…. 

With him by my side, I can work to make it better. To make things a little less awful. To experience life with the people still in my life. 



Talon paced his room while pondering about absolutely nothing of any significance. For when he's always thinking, he has nothing to think about but his own thoughts. 

Phoenix as Queen someday? Talon hadn't thought that far ahead; he just wanted to be with her. Near her. The attempt to get the crown back failed? There must be a loose mouth in the castle. What, exactly, happened at the ball? Greyson had to be involved. 

A sigh slipped past Talon's lips. 

He should see Phoenix. His feet dragged him to the library; his heels tapped the ground in frustration when she wasn't in sight. His fierce anxiety quickened his pace as each windowsill proved empty, as well. She wasn't in her quarters, in the kitchen, dining room, gardens- 

Where was Phoenix? 

It was okay, everything was okay, all Talon had to do was wait in the library for Phoenix to come back. She always visited the library at least once a day. The cushion sank as he settled into his seat, a chair in sight of Phoenix's. A book was picked up then put down. At some point, Talon tried to shut his eyes but found his mind too conversational. 

Eventually, the day melted to night, and Talon's eyes snapped open. 

Where was he? 

Right, the library. He glanced over to her chair. 

Where was she? 

She hadn't returned. Talon's heart clenched as he reached down to grab a blanket from a basket resting beside Phoenix's chair. A good addition to the library, Talon mentally patted himself on the back. After wrapping the blanket around his shoulders, Talon sat himself in

Phoenix's chair to make sure there was no way he would miss her return. 

It carried her ashy scent. 

He closed his eyes. She would return soon, he was sure. 

Phoenix didn't return that night or the next. 

What if she had done something to herself? What if someone did something to her- like the councilman from the hall? 


No, Phoenix was okay, she had to be okay, she was tough, she would always be okay. 

Talon forced himself to take a break from wandering the halls in hopes of seeing her. He sat in his bed. Phoenix had been getting better. Her soul had left when her family died, but her body was still here. 


Talon opened his eyes to a sunrise. 

Day three. It was day three of Phoenix being gone. 

Dark circles cut under Talon's red eyes. His lips were peeling off from anxious gnawing. 

Talon wiped the sleep from his eyes. He opened them. 

Cole and Greyson's shut bedroom door stared in front of him. 

One swift knock, a fake smile, and Talon was ready to face the screams they would give him for reaching out to them. The door creaked open. 

"What do you want?" Greyson asked from behind the half-opened door. 

"It's about Bird," Talon answered. 

Greyson hesitated but then nodded and stepped into the hallway, presumably so Cole wouldn't catch wind of the exchange. 

"Have you seen her?" Talon asked. 

"I am not in charge of her anymore, she can do whatever she likes," Greyson hissed. 

"I haven't seen her in three days," Talon pushed. "I get that you don't want to be involved with her, but she's still Cole's sister." 

"It's not that I didn't want to help her, I just couldn't." 

"You can help now. Do you know where she could be?" Talon asked. 

"No, I don't," Greyson frowned. "I'll ask around, but I doubt anyone will even know who I'm talking about." 

"Thank you." 

Talon should have left them, turned around, and gone to sleep, but he found himself catching Greyson's gaze. 

"How is Cole doing?" Talon asked. When Talon saw Phoenix again, she'd like an update. Right, Talon asked for Phoenix's sake. "And don't give me a half-assed response." 

"He's good. We," Greyson made a pointed stare at Talon, "are good. Although, the knife I kept by our bed has disappeared, and I know Cole didn't take it. I think I took it out and left it on a table? But it's gone. It's been gone for a couple of weeks, do you have any idea what could have happened to it?" 

Finally, they could have a normal conversation. 

"I don't know anyone who may have taken your knife," Talon said. "Thanks for asking around about Phoenix." 

Talon swiveled to leave, raking his hand through his hair. 

Phoenix. Where was his lost Phoenix? 

This was a different type of nothing. When she was around as a hollow shell, Talon at least knew she was safe in the castle. Talon crawled back to the library. Empty. 

Roman hadn't seen her, nor Greyson, nor Isla, nor anyone else Talon asked. Talon had even gone as far as to ask the guards at the train station to see if Phoenix had gone back to the Lowlands, but that, too, proved useless. 

What if she had done something to herself? 

No. They made such great progress, she wouldn't do that. As Talon approached his room, he noticed a sealed envelope stuffed inside the door. The envelope fluttered to the ground as the door groaned open, like a feather falling from a bird. Bending over and picking it up,

Talon frowned once he saw the royal wax seal. 

He needed to be in his bed before reading this. 

Talon's night routine was blurred as his eyes dropped close and then snapped open. He took his time tucking himself into bed before studying the golden envelope. Why would his parents change from inviting Talon to their chambers to talking to him through letters? Just pick one! 

Scraps of paper flew as he ripped open the letter and read the contents. Talon clicked his tongue and threw the letter to the ground. It was another court summons; he'd have to be the Prince again tomorrow. Were they questioning Greyson again? 

It didn't matter. 

Nothing mattered save Phoenix, and the cold spot on the other side of Talon's bed.