Chapter Forty-Seven


I saw a star flying through the sky. 

I closed my eyes- 

I wish to join you. 

And my second wish- 

Just not right now. 

~ Phoenix Viloria 


Talon wanted to bite Greyson's head off. 

Greyson refused to let Phoenix see Cole. Refused again after she promised it would only be a minute. Even now, with both Talon and Phoenix in front of him, Greyson wouldn't budge a hair. 

"Please Greyson," Phoenix said, "let me talk to Cole." 

"No, he doesn't want to see you," Greyson said, closing his bedroom door and guarding it with crossed arms. 

"He's my brother, my only living brother. Let me see him, please." 

Greyson glared at Talon and then back to Phoenix. 

"I want to talk to you first," Greyson spat. "Away from him." 

Talon left with his middle finger raised high and headed toward the library. It was a short walk, right around the corner from Greyson and Cole's room, and it wasn't a long enough walk to clear Talon's temper. What was shoved so far up Greyson's ass? Talon plopped into his chair and fiddled with his fingers. 

After a couple of minutes, Talon realized he wasn't alone. 

Bookshelves obscured his view, but Talon could hear Phoenix and Greyson enter the library. Talon crouched down behind his chair to avoid any chance of being spotted. Phoenix must've known that Talon would wait here. So, what did she want him to hear? 

"He doesn't want anything to do with you," Greyson hissed at Phoenix. 

There was a moment of silence, which Greyson promptly filled, "Why are you suddenly so interested in him? I know you were family, but he's done with you. By the looks of it, you're not healed enough to see him anyway." 

What did that mean? 

Talon poked his head out and saw the two standing by Phoenix's chair. Greyson's brows were pinched and Phoenix's smirk gone. Why didn't Phoenix say anything back- why didn't she defend herself? 

"He has nothing to say to you," Greyson continued. "And there's nothing you can say to him that'll make him feel better." 

Phoenix held her ground. "Then I won't say anything, but I will see him. I'm not asking you for permission to see my own brother. I'm simply telling you I'll see him—so prepare." 

Phoenix sat down in her chair and proceeded to pull out a book and read it, ignoring Greyson's antics of gasping in mock offense. 

"What do you mean?" Greyson asked. "It's Cole who doesn't want to see you, you should respect his wishes! And 'prepare'? Prepare for what? You can't do anything anymore." 

 Phoenix licked her lips and turned the page in her book, not bothering to glance at Greyson.

Talon couldn't help but smile at how Phoenix just ignored him. 

"You always act like you can do everything and anything you want," Greyson spat at Phoenix, "that's how you got them killed!" 

Phoenix slammed her book shut and leapt from her seat. Face to face with Greyson she stood, and while she was shorter than him, it was clear she was dominant. 

"Yes, I killed the kids," Phoenix gritted, "they're dead now. But Cole is alive, and I will see him.

If you have a problem with that, then you'll have to throw me down right here. But we both know you don't have the skill to beat me." 

Phoenix was squaring up Greyson. Greyson was asked to join the mission to retrieve the crown- he had improved a lot. Greyson might even be a match for her. No, Phoenix hadn't trained in months, Greyson could beat her. 

One, two, three seconds passed. 

Greyson clicked his tongue and kicked at the floor while storming away, like a child, disappearing out to the hall. Talon popped out from his hiding spot and ran to Phoenix, throwing his arms around him in a hug. 

"The ball wasn't your fault," Talon said. 

At that, Phoenix's hands pushed off Talon's chest until the hug was broken. 

"Phoenix?" Talon asked. 

Phoenix slowly shook her head and dragged her feet out of the library without uttering a word. What had Talon messed up this time? Why didn't Phoenix say anything back? 

No, stop thinking like that. 

Phoenix was fighting back. And just like how Talon was there for her now, she would be there for him tomorrow. 

That night Phoenix was watching the fire in her makeshift bed, staring into nothing. 

Talon was reading in his bed when he barely heard Phoenix whisper, "I'm going to rely on you." 

"Did you say something?" Talon asked. 

The fire crackled a few more times, illuminating her silhouette and sending her shadows dancing on the walls. Her body remained still. 

"I'm going to rely on you," Phoenix turned and met Talon's eyes. "Tomorrow we're breaking into Cole's room when Greyson is away and talking to Cole." 

Talon blinked for a second. How he wished he'd never get used to her crazy and spontaneous plans. Never let her spirit go out. 

"I don't think Cole will like that," Talon warned. 

"Probably not," Phoenix said. 

"Let's do it," Talon shrugged. "First we'll knock and see if Cole chooses to answer. If he refuses to open the door, then I'll help you break in." 

With the ghost of a smile, she nodded and laid down to sleep. Talon smirked and stayed up until he heard her breathing even out. It wasn't until then, knowing she rested, that he allowed himself to do the same. 

Phoenix and Talon knocked on Cole's door early the next morning. It was stained dark and had a large brass doorknob locked shut. Greyson opened the door and slammed it in their faces. 

They tried again in the afternoon, and again Greyson answered and shut them out. 

On the third try, when the sun was disappearing behind trees and dinner plates were clattering back to their cupboards, no one came to the door. 

Greyson wasn't in the room, then. 

They knocked again, loud, clear, and determined. 

"Who's there?" It sounded like Cole, although his voice was more spiteful than the calm it used to be. 

"Me," Phoenix said. 

Talon looked at her and her anxiety- hugging herself and rubbing her arms in comfort. One hundred seconds passed and Talon feared another failure. He almost reached out a hand to comfort her, ready to retire for the night. 

Then, the knob turned. 

In an instant Cole pushed the door open and rushed toward Phoenix, tackling her to the ground and pinning her down using his knees on her arms and body on her chest. Talon rushed over to help but stopped when Phoenix lifted a finger and shook it 'no' to stop him. 

Cole punched Phoenix square in the nose. 

"You coward!" Cole yelled. 

He went in and hit her in the other direction. Bloody spit flew from Phoenix's mouth and onto the floor. 

Cole wiped Phoenix's blood off his hands and stood. His eyes jumped from Phoenix to Talon. Cole was clean-shaven and dressed, sharper than Greyson alluded to, with nothing out of place save a couple of messy hairs and a heaving chest from the punches. 

Phoenix rose calmly, not bothering with her bloody face, and walked over to Cole. 

"Are you well?" she asked. 

Cole's eyes widened and he turned back to his bedroom door. He stopped his retreat and looked over his shoulder. "Finally decided to care, huh?" Cole yelled at her. "How could you just not feel anything after they died? I was frantic, desperate, insane, torn apart from them leaving, but you… you were still. Calm. Why suddenly care now?" 


Cole was the one refusing to see Phoenix. How could he blame Phoenix for respecting his wishes? 

Cole got back in Phoenxi's face, and Talon feared he'd throw another punch. 

"If you think for a second I was ever not worried," Phoenix demanded, "then you're more wrong than Lucas when he thought pancakes were a delicacy. Or as wrong as Daisy when she picked out those hideous decorations for her room." 

"They were pretty gross," Cole admitted, "maybe that's why she always woke up grumpy." 

"You have no right to talk," Phoenix teased. 

Tears poured out of Cole's eyes, and he dropped to his knees. Cole took his arms and wrapped them around Phoeonix's legs, crying into her knees. Phoenix joined him on the floor and grabbed Cole's hand in her own. 

"I miss them," Cole whispered. 

"I miss you," she smiled, running her hand through Cole's dark hair. 

Cole's tears flooded into sobbing as he threw himself into Phoenix's arms, tackling her to the ground in a massive hug, "I didn't mean to punch you," he hiccuped. 

"And I didn't mean to leave you alone for so long," Phoenix stroked his back. 

Talon shifted uncomfortably and turned to leave. Phoenix shot him a glare that told him to

stay, so he stayed put. Why did Talon have to be here? 

"You remember the crown?" Phoenix asked. 

Cole nodded. 

"It's with the rightful owner now; the kids succeeded. And here," Phoenix reached behind her and placed a knife on the ground, "I'm sorry I took your knife, but I don't need it anymore." 

Talon wanted to feel happy for them, wanted to tell Phoenix she did a good job and he was glad she was talking with Cole again. 

But the only thing Talon could think of was that Cole was crying and she was holding his hand. 

No. Phoenix wanted Talon here- she wanted Talon's perspective, his support. Talon smiled, knowing how exhausted Phoenix must have been from being in her own head. 

"You've been seeing Cole a lot. Will you see him again tomorrow?" Talon wondered as the two rested in their respective beds. 

It had been a week and Phoenix had seen Cole whenever she could. Talon found peace in Phoenix's loyalty to Cole since Greyson was opposed to the idea. 

"If I get my way, I'll see him every day for the rest of my life," Phoenix replied with resolve. 

"I'm glad," Talon put on a fake smile. Would Phoenix be selfish enough to prioritize her health over Cole's constant emotional need? 

"I hate when you do that," she frowned. 

"Do what?" Talon shifted in his bed. 

"When you use your fake smile." 

"You can tell?" Talon's heart soared. 

"You know," Phoenix diverted her gaze, "when I confronted Corton, he said his leader was still out there. I can't remember the leader's face, do you? All I remember is a scar." 

Talon shook his head no; he didn't remember. 

"Do you think he'll come for us?" Phoenix asked. 

"You're safe here, I promise. And besides, who knows, maybe you'll go after him." 

"Maybe." Phoenix shied her glance to the floor. "Cole said yes, by the way." 

What was with this weird mood? 

"Yes to what?" Talon asked. 

Phoenix toyed with the hem of her shirt and took a few deep breaths to prepare herself.

"He's okay with our arrangement." 

Was she embarrassed- relieved? 

"How does that make you feel?" Talon asked. 

"Good. I feel good." Phoenix peered up to him, as though surprised with herself. 

Talon smiled at that, this time genuinely. Phoenix seemed to tilt her lips up a little as well, like she knew his smile was real. 

"It's not just an arrangement, Wrinkles," Talon chuckled, "I'm in love with you." 

At that, Phoenix shot her head back down to the floor. How could she be so strong in front of others but shy here? How could Talon be so lucky as to see every side of her? 

"You don't have to say it back," Talon said. 

The fire burned a little brighter as her eyelids fluttered close. 

"I think I can fall in love with you," she said. "No. I know I can. Just give me more time." 

Talon's smile grew. "How about you comfort me by coming to sleep beside me tonight? I won't try anything, I promise." 

She hesitated; a knowing stare was sent Talon's way. 

"Wrinkles, you don't have to hide anymore," Talon tried again. He smiled and extended his arm out to her in a large gesture, "My future Queen, won't you come over here and tell me how you got that crown?" 

While Talon said it half as a joke, relief washed over him as Phoenix got up from her spot and came over to him. She laid down in the bed beside him with enough distance so they didn't touch. She was most beautiful like this: uncertain and ready to discover. 

Talon waited for her to tell him about the night she got the crown, but she remained silent, staring up at the ceiling. Talon nodded in understanding; she could tell him later. An uncontrollable chuckle escaped his lips as he realized that he would have a "later" with Phoenix. A tomorrow. 

Looking over at his Queen, Talon felt his blood rise to his face. Her grey eyes pierced his defenses. 

"A place without the Lowlands, huh? That's quite ambitious, moat girl," Talon said as he leaned over and kissed her on the head, unable to keep his hands off. 

She smirked as they broke apart. 

"Not quite ambitious enough," she quipped, taking Talon by the collar and pulling into a kiss. 

There was just no winning with her, was there?