VII: Ice Queen

A two week break arrived at the Vampire Noble Academy, a rest from the rigorous routines of academic life; an Academy tradition that occurred after every Crimson Twilight Ball. For Kaizer, it meant returning home to the darkness of Queen Hundred's palace, for she requested he spent his free time with her.

As he made his way back to the depths of Sanguine, Kaizer's heart was heavy with anticipation. His friends had been a beacon of light in his life, illuminating the shadows Queen Hundred had cast over him for so long. He looked forward to their warm welcome and the comfort of their presence.

But within the cold stone walls of Queen Hundred's chamber, any semblance of warmth vanished. Her crimson eyes bore into him, her gaze like a weight upon his soul.

"So, Kaizer," she purred, her voice laced with a cruel edge. "Tell me about your little friends."

Kaizer hesitated, knowing the consequences of his honesty. But he had grown close to Queen Hundred, even with her manipulations, and he couldn't bear to lie to her.

"I've made friends at the Academy," he admitted, his voice trembling.

The room grew icy, and the atmosphere turned oppressive. Queen Hundred's mask of indifference slipped, revealing a simmering rage beneath.

"Friends?" she spat, her tone venomous. "You dare to make friends in my absence? Who even are they? You must concern yourself with what Houses you choose to associate with, Kaizer."

Her anger manifested in a flash of movement as she closed the distance between them. With a flick of her wrist, Kaizer was sent sprawling to the floor, pain shooting through his body.

"You foolish boy," Queen Hundred hissed, her voice laced with malice. "You are not meant to have just any friends. Vampires are treacherous creatures, and your 'friends' will use you for their own gain. You should have came to me first."

As her words cut through him like a blade, Queen Hundred's fingers traced a cruel path across his face. Blood welled from the wounds, a stark contrast against his pale skin.

"You are mine, Kaizer," she whispered, her tone sickeningly sweet. "A tool, an asset to be used to further my kingdom's agenda. Do not forget your place. You have no reason to make 'friends'—forget allies! You need followers."

With each cruel word and painful touch, Kaizer's loyalty remained unshaken. He loved Queen Hundred, no matter the cruelty she inflicted upon him. He knew that she was a formidable and ruthless leader, but he also believed that her vision for Sanguine was one worth pursuing, even though he didn't know the full details of it.

As Queen Hundred's tirade came to an end, she changed tactics. Her demeanor shifted from cruelty to tenderness, as if attempting to mend the damage she had done. She offered a gentleness that felt almost motherly.

She caressed his wounds, applying her blood to hasten the healing process. Her fingers brushed through his hair, her freezing touch soothing and maternal. She held him close, as if trying to erase the memory of the pain she had inflicted.

"Kaizer," she murmured, her voice almost affectionate, "I do this because I care for you. You must be strong, for both of us. We have a destiny to fulfill, and you play a crucial role in it."

Kaizer nodded, the cold warmth of her embrace offering a fragile comfort. He understood the duality of Queen Hundred—the cruel manipulator and the caring protector.

As the days of the break passed, Kaizer remained at Queen Hundred's side, his wounds —both mental and physical—healing, but the scars running deep. The shadows of home whispered their secrets, and he knew that his path was set, a pawn in the grand game of shadows that Queen Hundred orchestrated.