XIV: Elephasia

Elephasia was not just a city; it was a mechanical marvel that seemed to have a heartbeat of its own.

The city's architecture was unlike any other. Towering spires and elegant bridges intertwined with the massive trunks of ancient trees, forming a harmonious blend of organic and man-made beauty. Light from giant, glowing, green lanterns that stood at important corners of the city filtered through the leaves, casting intricate patterns of dappled shade on the sandy city streets.

As Kaizer followed Roshan's lead, he marveled at the intricate clockwork mechanisms that adorned every corner of the city. Gigantic cogs turned with an almost hypnotic precision, their bronze surfaces glistening. Steam hissed and billowed from hidden vents, creating a whimsical dance of mist that added an air of mystique to the surroundings.

One of the most astonishing sights was the grand clock tower that dominated Elephasia's central square. Its massive gears and dials were a mesmerizing spectacle. Engraved with ornate filigree and adorned with gemstones, the clock's hands moved with deliberate grace, marking the passage of time with a sense of profound importance.

The city's transportation system was equally remarkable. Elevated monorails, suspended by massive chains and gears, crisscrossed the skyline, carrying Elephas citizens to their destinations with impeccable efficiency. Kaizer watched in awe as the trains glided along, propelled by the relentless power of the city's machinery.

Kaizer was captivated by this mechanical wonderland, where every street corner held a new surprise, and the city itself seemed to pulse with a vibrant heartbeat. Elephasia was indeed not just a city; it was a masterpiece of artistry and engineering that held a torch to the boundless creativity and inventiveness of the Elephas civilization.

As Kaizer strolled through Elephasia, he was enchanted by the diverse supernatural peoples who bustled through the city, engaged in a myriad of activities and trades with the Elephas residents.

Dressed in flowing robes adorned with shimmering crystals, the Luminal Elves were a graceful and ethereal race. They could be seen at the bustling marketplaces, expertly trading in magical artifacts and enchantments.

The Mechanoid Dwarves, stout and sturdy beings with metallic skin that sparkled in the sunlight, could also not escape being the subject of Kaizer's wonder. The Mechanoid Dwarves tirelessly worked in the city's workshops, ensuring that Elephasia's gears continued to turn smoothly.

Half-Human and half-Aquatic creatures, the Aqua-merfolk frequented the city's canals. They swam to and fro through the waters running throughout the city, and the stunning view of their scales glistening in the water provided Kaizer with an appreciation for the beauty of the many creatures in Sanguine.

The Avian Sylvari, with wings of vibrant plumage, soared above the city's towers and spires, engaged in aerial deliveries and communication. They were the messengers of Elephasia, relaying messages swiftly and efficiently between its inhabitants.

Also among the creatures were Mechanical Drakes, intricately designed, mechanical reptilian beings. Their scales were made of polished brass, and their eyes emitted a soft, pulsating light. They were protectors, carrying Elephas-crafted weaponry; They were machines of brass and steel whose purpose was to guard against any imposing threats to the city without prejudice.

And Kaizer couldn't help but be drawn to the Elemental Salamanders, creatures that harnessed the power of fire and water. Their bodies seemed to shift between liquid and flame, and they were often seen assisting the Elephas with forging and crafting intricate metalworks.

Then there were the Selkies, resembling humanoid seals with exquisite coral formations on their bodies. They conducted trade in precious pearls and enchanted seaweed garments, forging connections between land and sea.

Another unique peoples he spotted were the Crystal Gazers. These enigmatic creatures resembled crystalline orbs with multiple eyes, each reflecting a different facet of the world. Crystal Gazers were revered as seers and consulted for their ability to see into the future. They conducted business by offering glimpses into destiny.

The Mothkyns were delicate and graceful beings with wings resembling intricate silk patterns. They fluttered through Elephasia's silk markets, their wings emitting a soft, colorful luminescence. They were artisans in the creation of exquisite fabrics.

The Orchidites were sentient flowers with expressive petals that resembled the faces of various creatures. They were connoisseurs of rare and exotic blooms and were known for their expertise in botany and floral artistry.

Then, Kaizer saw the Crystal Nomads, and gasped in awe. The nomadic beings, resembling living crystal structures, were a mesmerizing sight as they wandered through the city's gardens and parks.

Kaizer's amazement reached new heights as he spotted Humans among the diverse inhabitants of Elephasia. He couldn't believe his eyes as he observed them serving the residents of Elephasia at food vendors, shops, and bustling market stalls.

These Humans were dressed in vibrant attire that seemed to blend seamlessly with the city's culture. They moved with grace and familiarity, tending to customers with a warm and welcoming demeanor. It was as if they had found a home within this unique and mechanical wonderland.

Kaizer turned to Roshan, a mix of curiosity and admiration in his eyes. "Roshan," he began, "I'm amazed to see Humans here. How did this happen?"

Roshan nodded, his wise eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the situation. "Indeed, Kaizer," he replied, "Elephasia has always embraced beings from various backgrounds. We believe that diversity is our strength, and it enriches our culture and society in profound ways. Humans, like many others, have found a home here, away from the tyranny of the Vampires, and they have contributed their talents and perspectives to our city's development."

Kaizer was intrigued and continued, "It's truly remarkable. I've always believed in unity and understanding among different peoples, but seeing it in action here is honestly… inspiring. How do you manage to maintain this?"

Roshan smiled warmly, "Harmony is at the heart of Elephasia's values. We emphasize mutual respect, empathy, and cooperation among all our residents. We celebrate our differences and find common ground in our shared pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and a harmonious existence. It's a continuous effort, but it's a commitment we hold dear."

Kaizer nodded, deeply impressed by the city's philosophy and the way it had manifested in its daily life. "It's a beautiful vision," he said. "I hope to learn more about Elephasia and its people during my time here."

Roshan clasped Kaizer's shoulder, his eyes filled with encouragement. "You're most welcome to explore and discover," he said. "Elephasia is a place of learning and wonder, and I'm certain you'll find many more fascinating aspects of our city as you journey through it."

With a newfound appreciation for the city's ethos of inclusivity and unity, Kaizer continued to follow Roshan, eager to uncover the depths of Elephasia's secrets and the wisdom of its inhabitants.

Roshan, leading the way, was an imposing figure even amongst the diversity. His sturdy frame, clad in robes, drew the admiration of passersby. He moved with a graceful poise that hinted at a deep connection with the city itself, as if every step he took resonated with the very heartbeat of Elephasia.

As Roshan spoke of the history of the Elephas, he proclaimed it as tradition dictated, sharing the origin tale of their civilization. According to this cherished story, the Elephas believed that eons ago, a cosmic elephant, a celestial being of immense wisdom and power, had given rise to their kind. The colossal elephant had traveled the stars, its footsteps shaping the universe, and upon arriving on their world, it had blessed them with knowledge and guidance, ushering in an era of enlightenment and progress.

This story was woven into the very fabric of Elephasia's culture and religion, a profound narrative that inspired the Elephas to strive for wisdom, harmony, and a deep reverence for the cosmos.

A figure approached them with enthusiasm. It was a Selkie, his seaweed-adorned, blubbery body romping toward them. He wore a sophisticated brown vest, and a pair of discombobulated bifocals balanced on his muzzle. He greeted Roshan with a friendly nod.

"About time you came around, Roshan," the Selkie said with a smile, his voice carrying a strong English accent. "And who's this with you?" He turned to Kaizer, his tone friendly but not overly animated.

Roshan introduced them, saying, "Kaizer, meet Barry. He is one of the brightest minds in Elephasia and my closest friend."

Barry extended his fin-like hand to Kaizer with a warm greeting, a mischievous smirk on his rubbery lips. "One of the brightest minds, he says, but we all know I am the brightest mind. Nice to meet you, Kaizer. You're new here, I assume?"

Kaizer shook Barry's hand and replied, "Yes, I am. Roshan's been showing me around, and I'm already impressed by Elephasia's creativity."

Barry nodded, "We take pride in our innovation and the fusion of magic and machinery here. If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to ask."

Roshan added, "Barry's contributions have been invaluable in shaping our city. He's a true genius when it comes to Mechanical Magic."

The three of them walked together towards Roshan's home, a seemingly unassuming abode nestled amidst the architectural wonders of Elephasia. The building was substantial, just like the rest of the housing in the city, designed to accommodate beings as large as an Elephas comfortably.

As they approached Roshan's residence, Kaizer noticed the intricate design of the façade, adorned with finely crafted brass details and etchings of celestial motifs. The doorway, though large, bore an elegant simplicity that hinted at the Elephas' appreciation for both grandeur and refinement.

Entering Roshan's home, Kaizer was greeted by an inviting interior. Fine tapestries depicting the history of Elephasia hung from the walls, their intricate patterns woven with metallic threads that caught the light.

The air inside was infused with the gentle fragrance of exotic flowers and herbs, reminiscent of a botanical garden. It was a soothing scent, carrying with it a tinge of the natural world's essence.

As Kaizer breathed in the air, he noticed a subtle taste, almost like a trace of mint, which added a refreshing quality to the atmosphere. It was as if the very air had been filtered through enchantments, creating a unique and invigorating sensation.

Throughout the house, there was a low, soothing hum. It was the sound of concealed mechanisms, working diligently to maintain the comfort and functionality of the residence. The temperature inside was perfectly regulated, ensuring a pleasant environment.

In the living area, Kaizer spotted more implementations of Mechanical Magic technology. A beautifully crafted automaton, resembling a miniature Elephas, moved gracefully across a table, serving drinks to its guests. In a corner, a floating globe projected a three-dimensional map of Elephasia, offering real-time updates on the city's activities.

As Roshan, Kaizer, and Barry gathered around the dining table, the miniature mechanical Elephas served them a special type of tea. This tea, known simply as "Oasian Tea," was a unique blend made by the Elephas using leaves from the native Oasis Trees. It was renowned for its soothing properties and was a symbol of relaxation in Elephasia.

As they sipped the aromatic Oasian Serenity tea, Roshan leaned forward, his eyes focused on Kaizer. "So, Kaizer," he began, "how did you end up in Sanguine? What happened when you crossed the Barrier?"

"I…I didn't, actually," Kaizer replied, scratching his head sheepishly. "I kinda just…got here. My parents… were taken away by a Common Vampire, and I followed the blood trail until I got to this cave— then, I just went inside. I followed the screams until I got here."

"That's not right," Roshan said under his breath, caressing one of his tusks as if it were a beard. "How did a Common Vampire manage to go to the Overworld? It's simply impossible. Unless…"

"Unless what?" Kaizer asked curiously.

"Unless someone recalibrated the Barrier. When the Barrier is recalibrated, it temporarily becomes ineffective. But the Barrier is only to be recalibrated if it malfunctions— there'd be no reason to recalibrate if it had been working just fine."

"Maybe… it's not working just fine," Kaizer offered, shrugging.

Roshan stared at Kaizer for a moment, then he leaned forward even further and said, "Kaizer… what do you know about the Ouroboros?"

Kaizer, taking a casual sip of the fragrant tea, replied, "The Ouroboros, as far as I know, is the emblem of an ancient organization of beast hunters. But, from what I've heard, they don't exist anymore."

Roshan nodded, acknowledging Kaizer's knowledge, and Barry sat by attentively, listening to the conversation unfold, his large seal eyes shimmering with curiosity behind his glasses.

With a thoughtful expression, Roshan continued, "The Ouroboros is far more than a symbol—however, that was its original purpose. The origins of the Ouroboros are indeed ancient, dating back to Roman times. The organization attached to it were a secretive and honored force, known as 'The White Knights.' These revered equites hailed from diverse social backgrounds and regions of the world, but their shared purpose — a mission unique to the White Knights — was to protect Humanity from supernatural threats — which ran rampant — for the idea of a Barrier hadn't even been conceived yet. They fought against creatures like Minotaurs, Chimeras, and Cyclops, and their adventures served as entertaining odysseys to be told across the globe."

Pausing for a moment, Roshan continued, "These soldiers received special elemental powers and immortality from their god, the Daemon known as Cratos, in exchange for a pact. The pact required them to offer the blood of their firstborn children and the firstborns of their descendants to Cratos, a commitment that would endure until the last of the original knights passed away. This promise granted them the strength to combat supernatural entities."

Roshan's gaze rested on Kaizer as he continued, "However, over time, the challenges of balancing the dangerous life of a White Knight with building a lasting dynasty became too great. The White Knights eventually retired, for they were beginning to have more deaths in their families than what they could compensate for."

Roshan paused for a moment, his expression somber. "The story takes a grim turn when, infuriated by the White Knights' decision to abandon their pact, Cratos took it upon himself to punish them. He not only killed them but also their entire families, ending their bloodlines, for they had broken their promise."

"Wow…that's crazy," Kaizer awed.

Roshan nodded gravely and continued, "Indeed, Kaizer. However, one remained loyal, driven by his unyielding commitment to the pact and the purpose of protecting his people. His name was Grant Anderson."

Kaizer's eyes flickered, and his heart skipped a beat. He could nearly hear his own chest thumping loudly as he continued listening to Roshan's words.

With a solemn tone, Roshan added, "It was Grant Anderson's unwavering loyalty that led to a unique turn of events. For centuries, Grant fought against the supernatural forces alone, all the way until sometime in the 20th century. Cratos, recognizing Grant's dedication, decided to send him a gift in the form of a spouse: a Noble Vampiress named Alessia crossed his path."

The room fell into a momentary silence, and Kaizer studied Roshan and Barry's grim expressions.

Barry suddenly cleared his throat with a somewhat awkward but endearing smile. "You know," he began, "I think I might have dropped a piece of coral somewhere outside. I'll just, uh, step out for a moment to look for it."

He rose from his chair and made his way to the door, glancing back at the group with a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that. I'll be back in a jiffy. Please, continue."

With that, Barry exited Roshan's home, leaving Roshan and Kaizer to delve deeper into the intriguing history of the Ouroboros and the tale of Grant Anderson.

"Alessia. I've heard that name before." Kaizer said, recalling the lecture in Blood Bonding class. "She's the cannibal Vampire who stole other Vampires' blood."

Roshan nodded in confirmation. He continued with the tale, his voice filled with the weight of centuries-old secrets and emotions.

"Indeed, Kaizer," Roshan began, "Grant and Alessia's love story was a remarkable one. Alessia had been married to a Vampire of another Noble House, a union forged by the traditions of arranged marriages and bloodline mixing. She didn't love her husband but had entered into the marriage out of obligation to her House. This experience had soured her perception of Vampires and the world of Sanguine itself, and she resented her origins. She left Sanguine to escape to the surface realm, a place removed from the oppressive Vampire Society. You see, she was the first supernatural beast that Grant came across that came to the Overworld not in pursuit of carnage, but of freedom."

Roshan paused, his eyes reflecting the depth of their connection. "When Alessia met Grant, they were first enemies, caught in a deadly battle — Alessia, the prey, and Grant, the predator. However, they somehow reached an understanding, one that didn't follow the rules of natural law, which was that Humans were mere food for Vampires, and Vampires were monsters to be feared by the Humans."

"They found an unexpected bond in their life stories. Love blossomed between them, and they eloped, and Alessia left her past life as a Noble behind for good. She joined Grant on his quests to slay supernatural beasts throughout the world, using her Vampiric powers to compliment his abilities, a partnership built on trust and affection."

However, Roshan's tone grew more solemn as he continued, "Alessia didn't return to Sanguine for a long while, and she kept her otherworldly origins a secret from Grant. But as their intimacy and trust deepened, she eventually revealed the truth. She made him aware of another world, where supernatural creatures originated. It was a revelation that astonished her husband."

Roshan paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in. "With this newfound knowledge, Grant felt a duty to act. He urged Alessia that they should attempt to discover a way to close off the Realm of Sanguine from the Human Realm, preventing any further invasion. Their journey would lead them into uncharted territories and dangerous endeavors, all in the name of protecting Humanity."

Kaizer listened intently, captivated by the tale of Grant and Alessia's love.

"So what happened? How did they do it?"

Roshan was about to continue, but suddenly a flash of light engulfed them, accompanied by the sound of a loud explosion, followed by screams. As the brilliant light subsided and their vision cleared, Roshan and Kaizer exchanged wide-eyed glances. Without hesitation, they rushed to the door and burst outside with dreadful speed.

What lay before them was a horrific scene. The once-vibrant streets of Elephasia were now marred by chaos and destruction. Buildings smoldered, and machinery lay in ruins. The usually peaceful and harmonious city was in turmoil.

Amidst the chaos, the inhabitants of Elephasia, both Elephas and other beings, were in a state of panic. Some tended to the wounded, while others desperately tried to contain fires that had broken out. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke, and the sounds of distress filled the once-tranquil atmosphere.

Roshan and Kaizer exchanged a puzzled and fearful look, then they burst into action.

Kaizer acted swiftly and decisively in the face of the chaos. With his ink and quill in hand, he drew the alchemical symbol of Water 🜄 on his palms, a symbol of control and mastery over the element. His eyes focused with unwavering determination.

From his tote bag, he retrieved the black chest from the Forgotten Labyrinth, opening it with haste. Inside, he found the kris knife he sought. Without hesitation, he grabbed it, then he drew the blade across his palm, and a surge of crimson blood welled up. Kaizer closed his eyes, his concentration deepening as he channeled his energy into the blood.

With focused intent, he filtered the essence of his blood, separating its contents until all that remained were particles of water. Then, he spoke the words,

"Aqua Tempestas!"

The water coalesced into a large, spherical bubble, a reservoir of elemental power.

Summoning shadows in the form of bats, Kaizer rose into the air, suspended by the shadowy swarm. From his elevated vantage point, he looked down upon the burning ruins of Elephasia, engulfed in flames and destruction.

With a swift motion of his arm, he hurled the massive sphere of water downward like a javelin. As the water dispersed, it transformed into a torrential downpour, extinguishing the flames and quenching the fires that threatened to consume Elephasia. The water showered down, offering a moment of relief amidst the chaos, and Kaizer's mastery over the elements had proven invaluable in the city's time of need.

As Kaizer wielded his mastery over water to douse the flames, Roshan sprang into action as well. His expertise in Mechanical Magic became a valuable asset in this crisis.

Roshan activated nearby mechanical constructs designed for emergency response. These constructs swiftly organized themselves into firefighting teams, deploying high-pressure hoses and specialized extinguishing devices to tackle the remaining fires and prevent them from spreading further.

Additionally, Roshan worked with the surviving Avian Sylvari to reestablish communication systems within Elephasia, coordinating the efforts of the Elephas and other beings to ensure that those who were not killed were safe and accounted for.

The Mechanical Drakes directed the rescue operations, guiding those trapped or injured to safety and providing support where needed.

As Kaizer descended to the ground with his shadow bats, Barry, in his characteristic, bounding manner, approached with haste. His bifocals bounced comically on his sleek seal snout as he hurried towards Kaizer.

"What happened!?" Barry exclaimed, his large eyes widening. "Where's Roshan?"

Kaizer scanned the chaotic scene and then turned to Barry with a grim expression. "Somebody has attacked this place," he explained, his voice filled with concern. "And I think it's because of me."

Barry stared at Kaizer, bewildered by the ominous statement. "What do you mean, 'You think it's because of you?'"

Just as the tension was thickening in the air, a swirling mist of blood materialized in the sky, forming a mysterious portal. Emerging from it was a figure with colossal, pristine, white wings that spanned the sky. The presence of this being was undeniable, and Kaizer recognized her instantly.

It was Queen Hundred. Her alabaster skin and ethereal presence left no doubt about her identity. She had come for the lost Kaizer herself, and her sudden appearance sent a shiver down his spine.

Queen Hundred descended from the sky, her presence commanding the attention of everyone in the vicinity. Her voice boomed with authority as she addressed Roshan, hinting at a deep, hidden history between them.

"I thought I warned you Elephasians before of the dangers of meddling with my property. You should have seen this coming, Roshan!"

Kaizer's heart raced as he heard Queen Hundred's words, and he knew that her arrival meant trouble. She called out to him, her gaze locking onto his position amidst the chaos. Panic surged through him, and he urgently directed Barry to flee.

"Barry, go," Kaizer instructed with a sense of urgency.

Barry, initially confused and concerned, looked at Kaizer for an explanation. "What? Why? What if she—"

"Barry! Just run!" Kaizer interrupted with a stern snap, and the Selkie, trusting Kaizer's judgment, bounded away from the impending confrontation.

As Queen Hundred touched down gracefully in front of Kaizer, she folded her wings and embraced him. Her cold hands ran through his hair as she whispered in his ear, her words filled with concern and a hint of maternal affection.

"I was so worried about you, child," Queen Hundred cooed. "Come. You are in a dire situation beyond your comprehension. I must bring you back with me, back to my palace — where you are safe."

Kaizer, torn between relief, shock, and a deep-seated emotion of resentment for the destruction he had witnessed, found himself in Queen Hundred's embrace yet again. His pale face buried in her bosom, he nodded quietly, his voice devoid of feeling, his mind devoid of thought.

"Yes, Queen Hundred."