XIX: Vampire's Kiss

Kaizer remained alone in his dorm room, sitting at his study desk, waiting for Lucius and Alaric to return with Darcia. It would be many hours before they arrived. A single flickering candle rested upon Kaizer's windowpane, casting eerie shadows that danced on the walls. His face was buried in his fists, his elbows resting on the desk before him, lost deep within the labyrinth of his thoughts.

He hadn't even bothered to change out of the blood-soaked, torn rags he wore from the previous day's ordeal. His attire, a testament to the violence and chaos he had recently faced, clung to his body like a second skin.

But in the midst of his tattered appearance, Kaizer felt a strange sense of defiance. He had emerged from the depths of the dungeon, battered and bloodied, yet unbroken.

Within the recesses of his mind, memories both vivid and haunting churned like a relentless storm. Images of his departed friends, their faces and words echoing endlessly. The vivid recollections of the Bazaar, The Barrier, Elephasia, Queen Hundred, and the distant specter of his own parents—all carried the heavy weight of their individual emotional burdens.

His trembling fingers betrayed his inner turmoil, occasional twitches manifesting throughout his body. In one fleeting moment, he blinked, and the crimson bastard sword materialized in his grip, surrounded by the grotesque tableau of mangled corpses, blood cascading from his form as if he were a wrung-out sponge, his breath ragged and quick.

But just as swiftly, he was back at his desk. He breathed in slowly, closing his eyes, and exhaled an air of relief. But his brief relief was interrupted by an intrusive presence—the haunting memory of Merle, the enigmatic witch of the Black Forest.

"Did she kill them? Because I didn't return with the payment?" He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, his expression devoid of emotion. "Or perhaps because only I took the potion…? But what could kill a Noble Vampire… other than another Noble Vampire?"

Shaking his head as if to dismiss the thought, he continued, "No, no, that can't be it..."

Yet, the gnawing uncertainty refused to retreat, and Kaizer sat in somber silence, his leg bouncing restlessly. He couldn't evade the mental image of the grim fate that might have befallen Thalia and Justice, his mind conjuring vivid scenes of their cold, lifeless bodies amid a sinister, shadowy forest, and Queen Hundred standing over them with her mocking smile.

"No… I refuse to believe it," he reasoned aloud, attempting to convince himself otherwise.

But the haunting images persevered, an unrelenting torment. He felt an insatiable urge to expel them from his mind, and in a surge of frustration, he exclaimed, "Fuck!"—a word he hadn't heard uttered since his departure from the Human World.

Reclining in his chair, Kaizer stared up at the ceiling, his thoughts imprisoned by a singular, overwhelming desire.

"I need to get high."

Kaizer swiftly abandoned his desk, heading for his wardrobe. He exchanged his previous attire, the blood-covered, tattered rags he'd been wearing all this time, for a more clandestine look. He donned a black poncho with a voluminous hood that concealed his features, black trousers, and matching boots. As he fastened his belt, tied his boots, and pulled the hood over his head, he felt a spark of rebellion in his chest; rebellion against the expectations that he had limited himself to for so long; rebellion against his own mind.

Approaching the window, he extinguished the solitary candle's flickering flame, allowing darkness to enshroud his room. With deft fingers, he unlocked the window and pushed it open, revealing the expanse of Sanguine City and its sprawling surroundings below. A deep inhalation filled his lungs as he closed his eyes, a moment of contemplative silence hanging in the air.

Then, with fearless abandon, he stepped off the precipice, surrendering himself to the abyss. In response to his unspoken command, a swarm of bats manifested from the inky depths, swooping down to catch his falling form. With synchronized grace, they hoisted him aloft, suspending him in the stalactite-lit night.

His eyes scanned the horizon, searching for the telltale crimson lights that marked the Subterranean Bazaar's whereabouts. Spotting them in the distance, he set his course, his accompanying bats forming an intricate, shifting tapestry of shadow and wings around him.

Touching down amidst the bustling stalls of the Bazaar, Kaizer's landing was both unannounced and unheeded by the market's denizens. He surveyed the surroundings, searching for a familiar face amid the market stalls. When he failed to spot his target, he resolved to wander the meandering paths of the Bazaar, no longer troubled by the prospect of losing his way in this realm.

Finally, amidst the market, his unwavering determination bore fruit. There, he spotted the unmistakable, cloaked figure of Shadowpaw, standing alone by an oddly placed tree, motionless as an imposing sentinel.

The dog man remained still, a spectral presence bathed in shadows, save for the piercing yellow gleam of his eyes and a subtle, competent grin that tugged at the corners of his thin snout as he made direct eye contact with Kaizer.

As Kaizer approached Shadowpaw, he felt the weight of their shared history pressing upon him. His footsteps echoed softly on the cobblestone ground as he drew nearer. The Bazaar's red lanterns cast flickering, ethereal light that danced upon the surfaces around them, creating an atmosphere both haunting and alluring.

Kaizer halted a few paces away from Shadowpaw and offered a respectful nod. "Shadowpaw," he greeted in a tone that mixed reverence with curiosity. The creature's glowing yellow eyes seemed to penetrate his very soul.

Shadowpaw acknowledged him with a nod of his own, his grin ever-present. "Kaizer," he replied coolly, his voice a mere whisper, faint but deep.

Kaizer paused for a moment, considering that he had never told Shadowpaw his name, but the concern didn't stall him long. Unable to contain his burning curiosity any longer, Kaizer leaned in slightly and asked, "That night, what exactly did you give us?"

The canine figure leaned in conspiratorially, his eyes glittering with hidden knowledge. "A magician never reveals his secrets," he replied with an air of playful mystery.

Kaizer couldn't help but roll his eyes at the cryptic response. "Come on, Shadowpaw," he retorted with a hint of cynicism. "Well, it doesn't matter anyway. At this point, I don't care about magician's codes or what's in the potions. I just want to know if you have any more of it."

The moment hung in the air, a precarious balance between the seeker of relief and the guardian of ecstasy, as they stood beneath the canopy.

Shadowpaw's grin broadened as he reached into the folds of his dark cloak. From within its depths, he retrieved an assortment of vials, each containing a mesmerizing liquid that radiated different shades of crimson luminescence.

"Pick your poison," Shadowpaw intoned, his voice a velvet growl.

Kaizer's gaze shifted to the vials, each bearing labels that seemed enticing. With a furrowed brow, he examined the choices before him: Bloody Mary, Red Death, Vampire's Kiss, Devil Piss, and Bloodshot. Each name carried a sense of foreboding allure.

His curiosity piqued, Kaizer's fingers hovered over the vials, and he finally selected one with a certain air of danger, his choice made. "Vampire's Kiss," he declared, his voice tinged with both anticipation and a hint of recklessness.

As Shadowpaw handed him the vial, the crimson liquid within it seemed to pulse with a life of its own. The exchange was laden with unspoken implications, as if Kaizer were delving deeper into a world of secrets and shadows, one sip away from unraveling more mysteries that had long remained concealed.

Kaizer carefully stowed the potion in his pocket, the mysterious liquid's radiant glow now concealed from prying eyes. He offered a nod of gratitude to Shadowpaw and, as a token of his appreciation, handed over two generous pouches of Bloodcoins. The dog-man accepted the payment with a grin.

"Pleasure doin' business," Shadowpaw said, his yellow eyes gleaming with a touch of amusement. "Come again."

With the transaction complete, Kaizer summoned his swarm of bats once more, and they enveloped him, carrying him away from the Subterranean Bazaar.

The journey through the darkened skies of Sanguine passed in a blur, until Kaizer found himself hovering just outside the open window of his dorm room at the Academy. He timed his entrance perfectly, phasing through the window at the last moment using Shadow Step, landing soundlessly on his bed.

Without wasting a second, Kaizer retrieved the vial from his pocket and gazed at the glowing, cherry-colored liquid within it. The possibilities, the secrets, and the potential lay before him, ready to be unraveled.

Kaizer examined the label on the vial, and his attention was drawn to the handwriting. Shadowpaw's script was both eerie and distinctive, like the scratching of a phantom's hand. The characters had an unsettling, jagged quality to them.

Beside the label "Vampire's Kiss," there was a misshapen heart drawn with an uncanny precision. Its asymmetry and jagged lines gave it an almost sinister vibe.

Kaizer couldn't help but shiver at the sight of that misshapen heart, a chilling reminder of the enigmatic and cryptic nature of the elixir he held in his hands.

"Alright. I really am taking drugs I bought from an underground black market. You only live once, right? Might as well go out with a bang." He whispered to himself in a humorous, self-aware tone. Truly, he had never seen himself doing this again.

Kaizer gingerly removed the cap from the top of the vial, and as he did, a crimson vapor swirled from within, wafting upward and carrying with it a dense, metallic aroma that pricked at his senses. The scent was intoxicating. A wicked grin spread across his face as he inhaled deeply, savoring the peculiar fragrance.

With determination, he brought the vial to his lips and, in one swift motion, downed its contents. The liquid flowed down his throat, a river of crimson warmth that coursed through his veins. For a moment, he lay there on his bed, feeling the elixir's effects ripple through him.

Then, with an unexpected hiccup and a burp, Kaizer's world swirled into a dizzying haze, and he slipped into a deep slumber.

Kaizer found himself in a world that bore no resemblance to Sanguine. He stood upon a vast, shadowy expanse of a rural plain, stretching endlessly in all directions. The sky above him was a deep black, adorned with countless stars. Looking up at the stars, Kaizer knew that he was in the Overworld.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the obsidian void, slowly materializing before him. It was a woman, ethereal and alluring, her skin as pale as moonlight, and her eyes gleaming with a crimson radiance. She approached Kaizer with an irresistible allure, moving as if she were a ghost gliding effortlessly through the night.

With a sultry smile, the mysterious woman extended her hand toward Kaizer. "Welcome to The Realm of the Night, Kaizer," she purred, her voice a seductive melody that sent a jolt through his chest.

Kaizer felt a strange, irresistible pull towards her, as if he were drawn by an invisible force. He took her hand, and as their fingers touched, an electrifying surge of energy coursed through him. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced, a fusion of pleasure and power that left him breathless.

The woman leaned in, her lips hovering just inches from his. "Embrace the darkness, and it will grant you unimaginable strength," she whispered, her voice like a siren's song that ensnared his very soul.

Kaizer closed his eyes and surrendered to the intoxicating embrace of the night. In that moment, he felt a profound transformation taking place within him. His body dissolved into a swirl of shadows, merging with the very essence of the dream itself.

As the dream world embraced him, Kaizer became a creature of the night with an insatiable thirst for blood. He soared through the night sky, a Vampiric force of nature, ready to conquer the surreal landscape that stretched before him.

His red-tinged vision allowed him to perceive the hidden beauty within the shadows, and the monstrous claws and talons that adorned his hands and feet provided him with an overwhelming sense of power.

The lush, untamed landscapes stretched out beneath him in a mesmerizing tapestry of colors and textures.

Scrawling forests of towering trees swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling in a harmonious symphony. Verdant meadows rolled out like a vast, undulating carpet, adorned with wildflowers in every hue imaginable. The scent of earth and flora wafted up to him, a sweet and earthy perfume.

The meandering ribbons of pristine rivers and streams, their waters crystal clear, teemed with life. He could see ancient creatures, some long extinct in his world, lumbering through the dense foliage or taking a drink from the sparkling waters.

In the distance, majestic mountains rose like titans, their snow-capped peaks piercing the midnight sky. As he glided closer, he could make out the rugged terrain, with rocky cliffs and hidden caves waiting to be explored.

Villages and settlements dotted the landscape, their architecture simple and rustic. People moved about, clad in garments woven from natural fibers, going about their daily routines with an air of simplicity and contentment. Kaizer felt like an ethereal observer of a bygone era, a witness to the raw beauty and harmony of the ancient Overworld.

He caught sight of a fellow Elder Vampire pursuing a group of fleeing Humans, and Kaizer couldn't resist the primal urge that surged within him. With a single powerful flap of his monstrous wings, he soared toward the scene, his new form causing the ground to tremble beneath him.

With terrifying efficiency, he descended upon the unsuspecting Humans, crushing them beneath his webbed foot. His inhuman roar filled the night, a chilling mix of rage and triumph. He felt alive in this nightmarish form, embracing the monstrous power that coursed through his veins.

The other Elder Vampire screeched at him, her anger palpable. Kaizer responded with a kind chortle, and she chortled back, their monstrous sounds forming a twisted conversation between them.

The female Elder Vampire accused him of stealing her kill, and Kaizer, now fully aware of the surreal nature of this dream, offered an apologetic hum.

With a synchronized trill, they launched back into the night sky, their monstrous forms soaring. They flew through the clouds silently until they approached a vast opening in the side of a mountain, their wings carrying them inside. The hollow interior stretched endlessly. The ancient Vampires plummeted downward, following the collapse of the hole until they re-emerged in a new realm; yet, it was all-too-familiar to Kaizer — the Underworld.

As Kaizer stirred from the dream, he found himself back in his dorm room, his physical form still Human as ever. However, the vivid sensations and yearning for the power he experienced in that world of Elder Vampires still lingered in his mind. He sighed, gazing up at the familiar ceiling, a sense of surreal satisfaction washing over him.

"Insane," he murmured softly to himself, relishing the memory of the drug-induced reverie.

Suddenly, a knock interrupted his thoughts, making him jump in surprise. His reflexes quickly activated his shadowy tendrils, coiling protectively around him as he cautiously approached the door.

"Who is it?" he called out, the sense of vulnerability still fresh.

A familiar voice came from the other side. "It's us, doofus. Open up. Darcia's here," Lucius declared, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Kaizer opened the door and left it ajar, then turned and sat back down at his desk. As his friends entered and settled on his bed, their gazes focused on him.

"Have you heard the plan yet?" Kaizer inquired, directing his question to Darcia, locking eyes with her.

Darcia appeared puzzled, her brows furrowing. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean. What plan, Kaizer?"

Glancing at Lucius and Alaric, who seemed equally puzzled, Kaizer let out a sigh and rolled his eyes, already feeling the weight of the task ahead. He returned his gaze to Darcia, maintaining eye contact.

"We're trying to get something back that was stolen from me, and we need your help," Kaizer explained. "Your job will be simple — just grabbing a bag and running away. Basically."

Darcia's expression shifted from confusion to intrigue. "A journal? What's so special about it?"

Kaizer leaned forward. "In this bag, there's a journal that contains crucial information, secrets that could potentially change the course of our lives, Darcia. It's not just any journal—it's a key to figuring out who I am, a truth that I believe has been kept secret from me for some unknown reason. We believe that the Vampire Noble Society has been lying to everyone about… everything. Did you know that the magical barrier isn't even magic at all? It's some kind of advanced teleportation device infused with magic. My connection to it, whatever it is, has allowed me to cross the Barrier multiple times. You see? There's something not right here—I think that Queen Hundred knows that there's something in that journal that could put her entire operation at risk and expose her lies, as well as the lies of the Cauldron and Elites. I'm not sure if all of the Noble Houses are in on it too—everything is mere speculation and theory right now, but we know one thing for sure: they lied about the Barrier, they lied about the Elephas, and they lied about Alessia. So I need that journal to figure out why."

Lucius chimed in, emphasizing the urgency. "And right now, it's in Queen Hundred's possession. We need to get it back before she figures out its true importance."

Alaric added, "Once we have that journal, we'll have the upper hand. We can expose the truth hidden beneath the veneer of our Vampire Society."

Darcia considered their words for a moment, her gaze moving between Kaizer, Lucius, and Alaric. She brushed a strand of pink hair away from her face, her eyes flickering with critical thought. Then, she looked back at Kaizer and nodded resolutely. "Alright, I'm in. What's the plan?"