XXXVII: Leviathan's Request

In the grand mansion of Serpentis City, Kaizer and Lucius found themselves locked in a battle of wits over a chessboard. The room, adorned with opulent tapestries and the soft glow of candelabras, provided the perfect backdrop for their friendly competition.

As the chess pieces danced across the board, their banter flowed as freely as the evening breeze through an open window. Each move was met with a sharp quip, a teasing remark, or a good-natured jab. The clinking of pieces against the polished wooden surface became a rhythm of camaraderie between two friends.

In the midst of their intense game, Isyra, the Serpentine hostess of the mansion, entered the room with an air of quiet grace. Her presence, as always, brought an aura of serenity and respect, which caused the banter between Kaizer and Lucius to momentarily subside.

With a gentle smile, Isyra approached the chess table, her reptilian eyes sparkling with an air of intrigue. She interrupted their game with an announcement that sparked a spark of excitement in Kaizer's eyes.

"The Leviathan has requested your presence, Kaizer," Isyra declared. "It says that it needs assistance with a task that might benefit you."

Kaizer's attention snapped away from the chessboard, and he looked up with a mixture of surprise and enthusiasm. The Leviathan was a magnificent and ancient creature, one of the most revered beings in Serpentis City. Its summons were a rare and significant event.

"The Leviathan wants to see me? Cool!" Kaizer exclaimed, his excitement evident in his voice. "Can Lucius tag along?"

Isyra nodded with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting the genuine bond between these friends. "Of course! The Leviathan's request extends to both of you."

Lucius, who had been silently observing the exchange, met Kaizer's gaze with a nod of agreement. While their chess game remained unresolved, a new adventure beckoned—a quest with the Leviathan, a journey into the unknown.

With a newfound sense of confidence and adventure, Kaizer and Lucius bid farewell to the enchanting embrace of Serpentis City. The city's winding streets and vibrant culture had become familiar to them during their stay, but the call of uncharted lands and undiscovered horizons beckoned irresistibly. As they stepped beyond the city's ancient walls, the world before them felt like an open canvas of possibility. Their determination was etched into their expressions, a shared resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Before venturing forth, they couldn't resist the temptation of a quick snack to fuel their journey. It was a culinary experience as much as a necessity. Kaizer's hunger led him to a small container brimming with golden-fried shrimp, an on-the-house gift from the renowned Serpentine Chef Seraphon. With every savage bite, his jaws cracked through the crispy shells, tails included. The salty, crispy shrimp burst with flavor, each mouthful a celebration of Serpentine culinary artistry.

On the other hand, Lucius chose to indulge in the succulent delight of a Serpent's Jewel. As he sank his teeth into the fruit, its delectable juices oozed with sweetness, a tantalizing treat that dripped down his chin. His eyes closed briefly, savoring the exquisite taste that filled his senses.

Amidst the simple pleasure of their snacks, they took a moment to gaze up at the intricate patterns of stalactites that adorned the cavern's ceiling. These ancient formations bore witness to countless years of Serpentis City's existence, and now they silently observed the two travelers embarking on their journey.

With a contented sigh, Lucius captured the essence of the moment. "Ah, that hits the spot."

Kaizer, his mouth still filled with a mouthful of shrimp, nodded enthusiastically as he attempted to communicate with a charmingly comical display. With six or seven shrimp tails sticking out from his O-shaped mouth, he valiantly pressed on to convey his curiosity.

"Mmmph, tell meh bout 'it-ch," he mumbled through the delicious impediment, his eyes shining with anticipation.

As Kaizer and Lucius reached the shores of Serpentara Island, they were greeted by a remarkable sight—the Leviathan, the colossal sea serpent with multiple heads, was already awaiting their arrival. The immense creature regarded them with a sense of respect and reverence, its massive heads carrying expressions of admiration.

From the Leviathan's midst, its blue-eyed head extended a greeting, its voice echoing with solemnity. "Black King. It is humbling that you actually came to see us."

Kaizer, with his characteristic charisma, waved at the Leviathan, his fangs gleaming in the presence of the awe-inspiring creature. "Good to see all of you again. What's up?"

The Leviathan's blind head, its gaze directed inward and beyond the physical world, spoke with a profound tone. "There is a massive ship that sunk in our sea many ages ago, and we believe there is a chest inside that may hold a weapon of great power. We wish to serve you, Black King, so we urge that you seek it out, for your own sake. For us, it is a matter of... curiosity."

Lucius, his golden hair ruffled by the sea's gentle breeze, added his enthusiasm to the conversation. "That sounds kind of fun. Who knows, we might find other treasures."

Kaizer nodded in agreement, his gaze steady and unwavering as he addressed the Leviathan. "You can count on us, Leviathan."

The red-eyed head of the Leviathan swayed gently, its massive form breathing. "Please, call us Xortor. It is our name given to us in hatching."

The first two Leviathan heads responded with smiles, revealing their formidable teeth, each one a relic of their ancient existence. The yellow-eyed head expressed its gratitude with a guttural voice, "Thank you, Black King."

The orange-eyed head nodded slowly, its eyes like fiery orbs against the backdrop of the sea, and its voice carried the weight of time itself. "Yes, we appreciate your help in this matter. Perhaps it shall serve us both in the end."

The violet-eyed head, positioned next to blue-eyed head, the fifth in row, fixated its gaze on Lucius. Its eyes were like shimmering amethysts, and it peered at him with narrowed slits.

The Leviathan's curiosity seemed insatiable, and it appeared to be actively sniffing the air around Lucius, as if trying to discern more about their new companion. 

Lucius, maintaining his cool composure despite the unusual scrutiny, couldn't help but jest, "Uh... is it my cologne?"

In response, the violet-eyed head let out an almost imperceptible huff, its eyes returning to their original positions among its brethren. It remained silent, leaving a sense of mystery hanging in the air, as if it had found what it sought or simply decided to shift its focus elsewhere.

Kaizer and Lucius exchanged glances, both fascinated by the Leviathan's behavior. The Leviathan, its massive form a spectacle against the backdrop of the sea, turned its attention to Kaizer. With its eyes gleaming like precious crystals, it spoke in a voice that resonated with respect and ancient wisdom. "It is good to see you, Black King."

Kaizer couldn't help but wonder about the Leviathan's peculiar behavior not only in focusing its attention on Lucius but also in failing to greet Lucius as it had greeted him. The mysteries of the Leviathan's actions lingered in Kaizer's mind, leaving him with a sense of intrigue and uncertainty.

As the Leviathan, known as Xortor, swam gracefully through the waters of the Shadowed Depths Sea, its immense form kept its back above the water's surface, its colossal body effortlessly piercing through the deep blue depths. Kaizer and Lucius marveled at the vast expanse of the sea around them, a world of mysteries and secrets hidden beneath the waves.

Xortor's voice echoed with a sense of purpose and determination. "The ship is not far, we are already nearing it." The promise of their quest lay ahead, hidden beneath the sea's surface, waiting to be uncovered.

They arrived at what appeared to be a seemingly random location in the middle of the vast sea, with nothing but the endless expanse of water stretching out in all directions.

Amidst the boundless expanse of the Shadowed Depths Sea, the Leviathan, with all seven of its magnificent heads, huffed in unison. Each head, with its own distinct gaze and purpose, exhaled a collective breath that rippled across the water's surface, creating an otherworldly display of mist and spray.

For a moment, it seemed as though the Leviathan had paused, a fleeting stillness in the heart of the ocean's depths. But then, as if summoned by some ancient power, all seven heads lowered simultaneously, their enormous forms dipping beneath the surface.

In that brief moment of anticipation, the sea itself seemed to hold its breath, as if nature itself recognized the significance of what was about to transpire.

And then, with a mighty, bellowing roar that defied the boundaries of the aquatic world, the Leviathan's heads surged upward, their colossal jaws agape, their voices merging into a harmonious cacophony that resonated through the water, through the very heart of the sea.

The force of that thunderous roar rippled outward, shaking the sea to its core. Waves surged in all directions, creating a tempestuous upheaval on the surface. Even the distant mountains, silhouetted against the horizon, trembled beneath the Leviathan's primal call, their peaks crowned with the mist of awe.

As Kaizer and Lucius gazed upon the vast expanse of the Shadowed Depths Sea, a presence emerged from the fathomless depths, a being of such immense size and otherworldly nature that it dwarfed even the Leviathan in comparison. It defied the boundaries of comprehension, its enormity beyond human capacity to fully grasp.

This ethereal entity appeared wispy, like a fleeting ghost that had risen from the darkest abyss of the ocean. Tendrils of glowing white light hung and swayed loosely, undulating with an eerie grace. They seemed to emanate from... Kaizer couldn't discern their source. The very essence of this being defied logic and understanding. It rose above the water and ascended into the sky, trailing a downpour of droplets behind it.

Amidst the ethereal display, one feature stood out— it had no eyes. Kaizer couldn't pinpoint a single eye or appendage. It was just a thing, a being, gliding gracefully through the sky below Sanguine's ceiling.

As the awe-inspiring encounter with the enigmatic being continued, a profound transformation unfolded around Kaizer, Lucius, and the Leviathan. The waters of the Shadowed Depths Sea rose with a majestic surge, creating a shimmering dome that enveloped them in a watery embrace.

Within the confines of this aquatic cocoon, they found themselves standing on the ocean's floor, the very heart of the sea revealed to them. The world above, with its dancing waves and distant horizon, was now sealed off by the glistening dome.

Before them, bathed in the ethereal glow of the ocean's depths, lay the massive ship they had come in search of. It lay lopsided on the seafloor, a relic of ages past, its timeworn hull bearing the weight of countless years beneath the sea.

The ship's presence was hauntingly silent, a testament to the passage of time and the secrets it held within its sunken frame. It was a moment frozen in history, as if the ocean itself had conspired to reveal this ancient vessel to those who dared to seek it.

Amidst the surreal underwater tableau, the Leviathan stood with Kaizer and Lucius. Its seven heads, each with its own distinctive presence and gaze, raised upward in an awe-filled gesture of reverence.

With a voice that echoed through the water, the Leviathan spoke, addressing the enigmatic being that still gracefully hovered over the water dome. "Great thanks."

As the shimmering dome of water surrounded them and the Leviathan stood in reverence, Kaizer, Lucius, and their aquatic ally prepared to explore the sunken shipwreck before them. With hearts full of anticipation and the weight of their quest pressing upon them, they descended upon the ship's lopsided hull.

Kaizer, his curiosity piqued, was the first to venture into the shipwreck's interior, the rays of underwater light revealing the intricate details of the ship's long-forgotten design. "Lucius, check this out!" he exclaimed as he entered a cabin.

Lucius, close behind him, marveled at the discovery. "This place is amazing. It's like stepping back in time."

As they explored, their voices echoed through the silent chambers of the ship, their excitement growing with each new find. They came across a chest, half-buried in sand and silt, its lid adorned with intricate carvings. With eager anticipation, they opened it and gasped in awe.

"Bloodcoins and jewels!" Kaizer exclaimed, holding up a handful of gleaming coins, each marked with a crimson symbol. "These must be ancient treasures!"

Lucius examined a necklace adorned with brilliant gemstones. "This is incredible. The Serpentine will be amazed when they see these.

With their newfound treasures in tow, they continued their exploration, venturing below deck. As they entered one of the rooms, their voices hushed in reverence.

"This room feels... different," Kaizer whispered, his eyes scanning the chamber."

In the dim light, they spotted an ancient Roman soldier's sword, a gladius, resting against a wall. It was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to the ship's history and the stories it held.

Kaizer approached the sword and picked it up, the weight of history in his hands. "A gladius sword... imagine the battles it has seen."

Lucius, equally captivated, reached out to touch the blade. "It's like holding a piece of the past."

The gladius sword, its once-shining blade now worn and rusted from centuries beneath the sea, held a unique beauty in its aged appearance. Kaizer carefully examined the intricately designed hilt, the patina of time adding a sense of history and mystery to the weapon.

Lucius, standing beside him, ran his fingers gently along the rusted blade. "It may be weathered, but it still has a story to tell."

Kaizer nodded in agreement, his respect for the ancient weapon growing with each passing moment. "Indeed, this sword has witnessed a world long gone."

As they continued their exploration of the room, they uncovered more relics of the past—a set of weathered scrolls, a shattered shield, and a collection of tarnished coins. 

'These were relics from the times of the White Knights, when beasts like chimera and cyclops existed,' Kaizer remembered as he recalled his father's journal. He took it as a sign, thinking, 'Maybe Cratos is trying to tell me something about my father.'

Their voices echoed through the room as they continued their exploration, the shipwreck revealing its secrets one by one. With each discovery, they were drawn deeper into a world of adventure and mystery, their quest to uncover the hidden treasures of the deep sea taking them on a journey they would never forget.

Having completed their exploration of the sunken shipwreck and gathered their treasures—a chest full of bloodcoins and jewels, a rusted gladius sword, and various relics of a bygone era—Kaizer and Lucius returned to the Leviathan, Xortor. With their newfound bounty in tow, they boarded the Leviathan's back,

Lucius grinned in response to Kaizer's words. "Indeed, it seems we have quite the haul of treasure now. And who knows, that gladius sword might come in handy someday, even if it's more of a relic than a weapon. As for the money, well, we can always use it to fund our next adventure."

Kaizer nodded, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "That's the spirit!"

Blue-eyed Xortor's voice echoed through the water, his instructions clear and commanding. "Climb aboard my head and hold on tightly to my horns."

Without hesitation, Kaizer and Lucius followed Xortor's guidance. They ascended to the Leviathan's head, gripping its massive horns with all their strength. As they secured their positions, Xortor unleashed another earth-shaking roar, and the sea dome that had protected them began to collapse.

A tsunami of water cascaded down around them, and panic overtook the two friends. Their screams of fright merged with the rush of falling water as they watched the towering walls of liquid approach. The world turned into a turbulent maelstrom of fear and uncertainty.

Amidst the chaos, Xortor remained steadfast and patient, his low voice resonating like a guttural chuckle beneath the surface. As the sea plunged downward, so did Xortor, and he swam with the swift flow of the riptide, and Kaizer and Lucius held on for dear life. The Leviathan's immense form glided gracefully through the water, a guardian of the deep.

In a matter of moments, they emerged above the water's surface, gasping for air as they broke free from the tumultuous depths. The water dome, once a protective cocoon, had now dissolved into the vast expanse of the open sea. Above, the enigmatic entity that had hung in the sky like an ethereal specter had vanished without a trace. The endless horizon stretched out before them, the cerulean waters reflecting the brilliance of the stalactites above, as if the world itself had forgotten the magical spectacle that had transpired moments ago. Their high fashion robes, once pristine and elegant, were now soaked and clung to their forms, heavy with seawater. They stood on top of Xoltor's head, right above the bridge of his nose, panting for air, holdin tightly to Xoltor's horns. Lucius, his once-blonde hair now drenched and taking on a brown hue, gasped for breath, his voice and body trembling as he spoke, "Let's not. Ever. Do that. Again. Twice is enough."

Kaizer, also catching his breath amidst the exhilaration and exhaustion, managed a crooked smile between panting breaths. "I dunno... it was kinda fun," he admitted, though a sudden coughing fit, sending him into a crouched poistion. Xoltor emitted a low chuckle.

Yellow-Eyed Head extended its serpentine neck toward Kaizer and Lucius, its eyes gleaming like golden orbs in the sunlight. "Well, well, looks like our adventurous land-dwelling friends are all tuckered out," it chuckled, the scales on its head glistening like polished amber.

Orange-Eyed Head followed suit, its large eye narrowing in a playful manner. "A little dip in the deep blue sea can really get the heart racing, can't it?" The sunlight danced on its scales, creating a mesmerizing pattern of fiery hues.

Crimson-Eyed Head chimed in, its laughter resonating through the air like a warm breeze. "Haha! You've earned your sea legs today, Black King!" Its eyes shone like rubies, adding a touch of vibrant color to the playful banter. Kaizer let out a humble laugh as well.

Lucius, his ocean-soaked hair clinging to his forehead, cast an intrigued glance at Kaizer, his eyebrows arching upward like inquisitive question marks. His crimson eyes, still reflecting the remnants of their aquatic adventure, honed in on something unusual.

"Kaizer, your ears..." he began, his voice a mix of curiosity and wonder, leaving the statement hanging in the air like an unspoken mystery.

Kaizer, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he crouched down, shook his mop slightly, his wet hair dislodging a few droplets of seawater. His obsidian eyes blinked in confusion as he met Lucius's gaze. "What? I got seaweed on me or something?" he inquired, his tone laced with bemusement.

Lucius, undeterred, took a step closer, his eyes widening with an insatiable curiosity. He gestured subtly, his index finger moving in a circular motion near his own ear before he spoke. "Open your mouth, just a little, so I can see your teeth."

Kaizer, though still puzzled, complied with Lucius's unusual request, parting his lips slightly to reveal his teeth. Lucius leaned in, his gaze now fixated on the dental details that lay before him. For several moments, silence hung in the air, broken only by the rhythmic lapping of the waves against their Leviathan friend.

"Mhm," Lucius finally murmured, his tone carrying a sense of realization. "Just as I thought. You're evolving, Kaizer. Your teeth grew back as fangs. Your biological makeup is changing, evolving alongside your psychological shifts."

Kaizer regarded Lucius with a mixture of curiosity and mild apprehension. "What do you mean, 'psychological shifts'?" he asked, his brow furrowing as he sought to understand the implications of Lucius's revelation.

Lucius, his gaze fixed on Kaizer's teeth as if deciphering a secret code, nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, man. You started randomly eating some dinosaur eggs in the Jungle. That's not a normal Human instinct to have. That's Vampire behavior. You're transforming, Kaizer. It's been gradual, so no one has noticed yet, but you definitely got little, baby fangs here, and your ears are pointy, and they kind of... bend back. I've never seen Half-Vampire ears before. Very interesting."

With uncertainty looming in Kaizer's obsidian eyes, he turned to Xoltor and voiced his decision. "Let's head back, Xoltor."

Xoltor's blind head reared slightly, acknowledging the command. "Yes, Your Majesty."

The Leviathan, ever loyal, swam them back towards the shores of Serpentara. As they approached the familiar coastline. Once safely back on land, they bid farewell to Xoltor, thanking him for his steadfast companionship and promising to return when needed. As they walked through the Verdant Plains towards the city of Serpentis, their thoughts were consumed by the mysteries of Kaizer's evolving nature and the underwater adventures they had just shared. With each step, they moved closer to the answers they sought.