3: Western Kingdom

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊r 3: 𝖂𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖉𝖔𝖒

The warms of sunlight showered upon Anthony. The gate stood at a very far distance, he wonders 'what awaited beyond those gates.'

He wasn't the only one on this trail, other people headed for the same gate, and others arrived after him.

Anthony's arm felt stiff from being compressed in the car, he decides to strech.

In that moment of stretching out, his hand falls into a soft cushion, it alerts him.

He turns quickly to the cushion to see a woman about his age, her face looked soft and milky, her beautiful white complexion, she wore an open shoulder gown showing half of her cleavages or as he believed - cushions.

"I am sorry... I didn't see you there," Anthony pleads. "Please forgive me," he never was fond of girls, barely met any in his life and did not know how she would react to his disrespectful behaviour.

She chuckles softly placing her hand on his shoulder.

Anthony felt her warm palms even through his clothing, his cheek reddens a little.

"Sorry for what? No need for that kind of attitude, people always address me with so much respect at home, no need to do so in here," she says with a calm and soothing voice before pulling back her hand from Anthony. "Please do introduce yourself".

Anthony hesitates for a second before saying, "Anthony... Anthony Dickson".

"I am Princess of Grandest Court, Maycan Artlery Willcan the Third," she introduces proudly "see you around."

She turns and walks away an attendant following behind, carrying her huge bags on his shoulder.

Anthony froze a while before turning to watch her go. He did not understand a word from her name. She spoke it too fast. All he knew, he met a princess.

Everyone were beginners, he could see that now, the thought makes him feel less intimidated. He resumes walking to the gate.

He finally makes it to the large gates. He senses an alarming chill run up his chest, this was the first time he had ever been to a kingdom, or one as large.

Anthony took some few steps past the gates. He sees a queue in front of a table, three men in total green attire, sitting before the table on wooden chairs.

Anthony quickly joins at the back of the queue. It didn't take a while before he was next.

"Name and documents", one of the official said with his deep hoarse voice.

"Anthony Dickson", he hands his documents to the official who goes through it thoroughly.

The official finally hands him back his documents, he directs to an attendant standing in the midst of dozens of other attendant not too far away, calling him "take him to a carriage", he commands.

The attendant bows his head before giving Anthony a look that urges him to follow.

The attendant led Anthony past the officials and down a trail to where many carriages were parked.

The attendant leads him into a particular one, he opens the door for Anthony to go in.

Anthony boarded the carriage, it was four seated. He sits close to the door , it was the only sit free, three other boys all his age occupied the other seats. Two opposite him and one beside.

"It's full," the attendant calls out to the coach.

The coach whips the horse moving the carriage at a steady pace.

Anthony rests on the window of the carriage looking out at the beautiful streets of the kingdom. It was peaceful filled with so much people at a time, exotic sights of trees and buildings.

"Whoa," Anthony gestures.

"Pathetic," he turns to see the boy sitting beside him, he had short thick hair grey in colour, face filled with scars, especially a prominent one that ran from the left side of his cheek past his nose and to the other side of his cheek, he wore total black shirt and trousers.

"What?" Anthony asks a confused look plastered to his face.

"You're making noise!" He says aggressively. "Dumb skull".

Anthony feels insulted but ignores.

"Kraken!" The other boy opposite says with a warning tone. "I am sorry he likes to behave that way", the boy stretches his hand to Anthony.

He had purple short hair, a kind face, and wore on a total purple shirt and trousers. Anthony smiles and shakes his hand slowly.

"I am Neldon," he says with a jovial voice.


Neldon lets go of Anthony's hand. "So what are you?"

Anthony gulps hard, what did he mean by that? He thought giving Neldon a confused look.

"Oh you do not get it do you Anthony?" He asks finally after a long silence, "this carriage is for people with special qualification". He turns and points at Kraken "He is born of the royal blood of a kingdom, I am born the son of a duke... And that guy," he points at the last boy, head down, eyes shut with green hair, wearing a white zipped up jacket on black trousers "son of a great slayer."

Anthony nods understanding what Neldon was trying to bring up "son of a great slayer," he replies.

"Awesome, I will look forward to meeting you in future terms," Neldon gestures.

Kraken turns to Anthony grinding his teeth. "You're disturbing my silence dumb skull," he scorns.

Anthony opens his mouth to speak ...

"Putrid royal. You think Anthony would give time to reply your insults?"

Everyone turns to the silent boy his eyes wide open and giving a green glow, "son of great slayers don't have time for annoying brats like you, that's why you can never measure up to us."

Kraken turns to the boy with a wide grin on his face "the silent slot finally talks, I knew I would make you talk eventually".

"It's Tyler to you, and I choose to only talk when I decide it being the time," Tyler scorns.

Kraken scoffs keeping silent afterwards, "your speech is nice, but can your actions back it the hell up? We'll see soon."

Anthony rests on the soft cushion of the seat. "Thank you Tyler."

"Don't thank me just yet", Tyler replies with a blank cold voice before shutting his eyes again. "It won't matter especially if you die here."

What did he mean by that? Anthony asks himself looking puzzled.

"Tyler is right, death always keeps knocking," Neldon comments " eventually you'll answer".

//ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝔹//

The carriage came to a stop before a huge monastery. "We are here," the coach bellows.

Anthony and the others alighted with their bags and luggages in hand.

Anthony felt his stomach sink and waves of fear wash over him, there were so many guards in front of the gates.

The first to move foward was Tyler, then Kraken. "Common Anthony boy", Neldon urges tapping Anthony on the back to move.

Anthony follows the others cautiously as they passed the gate and into a large field where many others stood.

Anthony took glances of the place, it was really big and well guarded, bearing large green flags with a large red Phoenix as the symbol floating in the wind.

They join the crowd. "What now?" Neldon asks.

"We wait," Tyler replies.

Anthony waves his head around scanning through the place, this was the a largest gathering he had ever been to, the thought makes him slightly nervous.

"How long... My leg is aching," Neldon complains.

"You grow more pathetic every day Neldon, spare yourself and die already," Kraken mutters aggressively.

Neldon chuckles softly running his hands through his hair, " and you grow more annoying."

"Simple minded", Kraken insults.

Anthony cuts in, "who are those guys?"

All eyes sets on the three figures approaching the crowds two hefty men and a woman, all wearing long green coats.

"Keep silent!". With the yell of one the crowd became still. "I demon hunter Crevin welcome you to the Western kingdom province training center," he continues," as you all know the Western kingdom are known for the greatest demon hunters in history..." The smile he had been bearing on his face twisted into a frown, "achieving our standards will be the hardest you venture in life and would ever venture, I advice leaving while you still can."

Anthony stares at the man, his purple long hair, his eyes giving a pink glow, and his battle wounded face, he was an intimidating figure.

"I am demon hunter Habatha, You will have the chance to train under one of our coaching," the woman says with her soothing voice, she was fair in complexion, thick long black hair, and slim stature.

"Demon Hunter Vindacurve," the last and oldest said with a bold tone.

Dozens of guards ran round all of the recruits some pushing barrels full of green clothing, they came to a halt after surrounding them.

"Take off your cloths and put on the material of the western kingdom trainees," Habatha mutters.

Take off your cloths? Anthony stares down on his Newly acquired wear, it would be a shame to put it off so early and was more shame to put it off in front of a crowd. He turns around, everyone wasted no time to take theirs off, he follows.

"Oh nice figure," he hears kraken say behind him.

He turns to Kraken halfly undressed and feeding his eyes on the sight of a beaitiful girl in her under garments.

"Isn't that disrespectful to look at a woman that way," Anthony says with a stressed tone.

Kraken flares up and scorns, "shut it dumb skull," he clasps Neldon on his arm " let's loose the guys."

Anthony watches Kraken pull Neldon deep into the crowd as Neldon waves good bye.

Anthony ducks his head feeling a little more insecure, had he said anything wrong? He felt unsure.

"Don't let him get to you," he hears Tyler say "you said the right thing Anthony don't think otherwise... You look troubled."

"Yeah, I have a lot running through my mind now," Anthony says sadly. "I feel lost, and everything I say is put to question."

"Your will isn't straight, it's falling and rising every moment, unlike you the rest of us have a clear reason why we are here, and where we want to be in future... We all have a goal that moves us forward," Tyler turns to give Anthony his usual blank face, he clears his throat "why are you here?"

Anthony takes his time to think before saying "Weeks ago my family was murdered by a demon. I just can't get my mind to turn away from it, I just can't stop reciting what if."

Tyler turns away, "I watched my mum die years ago, I thought a lot about it everyday but it got me nowhere. I do not tell just anyone this, I helped myself move on knowing she would want me to and by sharing my pain with someone else... The best advice I can give you, face the future and find your uniform."

Uniform? What did that mean? "Ohhh, yeah thanks," Anthony turns away from Tyler as he left him to a wagon cloth filled and crowded.

Anthony locks unto a wagon with only one person selecting cloths.

He drops his bags on the floor and walks up to the wagon digging his hands into the cloths. He yanks out a trouser. Too big, he thought. He searches even more to see another one.

"Too small".

Anthony turns to the other boy beside him, he was black in complexion, had moderate braided long hair, he holds out a trouser and a shirt.

Anthony took it from his hands and examines it, "thanks, it's my size, how did you know?"

"I saw you", the boy says with a calm emotionless voice.

"My name is Anthony," Anthony introduces.

"That's a good..." The boys attention suddenly shot up to the sky "what a wonderful sky."

Anthony hears him say, he turns his gaze to see what the boy was talking about. It shocks him. He was staring at the clear purple sky.

"You were about to tell me your name," Anthony reminds.

The boys gaze went back to Anthony's "yes my name is Scales."

"Nice meeting you Scales," Anthony gestures.

Scales gaze shot up to the sky again, "wondrous weather today."

"Ohhh, I see," Anthony says putting on his uniform.

"See what?" Scales asks.

"Never mind Scales," Anthony urges putting on his shirt finally, the cloths were warm, cozy and soft. "Thanks again for assisting me in finding the right size."

Scales turns back to the sky, "no need to thank me, you are like the skies and would make this world a better place... I am sure of it, I saw you in my dreams."

"Ok", Anthony says sensing the awkwardness of the moment.

Anthony turns away and walks back to his spot. Scales seemed so sure of Anthony, why? How would he make the world a right place when he was in between the lines of destiny and couldn't make his choices. Scales I don't want to make the world better all I want is revenge, he mutters within himself.

Anthony meets Tyler already standing in wait, strong and resilient as usual.

"The green sooths you," Anthony complements at the green Uniform which resembled a track suit.

"Just wait till the red is added," he mutters back.

His words were threats Anthony acknowledged it. "You are really straight forward."

Tyler scoffs giving a slight smirk, " why beat around the bush to weaken the prey when I can hit the prey hard, head on."

"Being straight forward sometimes might hurt people," Anthony adds. " I will be careful with my words if I were you".

"I will consider your advice," Tyler replied. "If I actually need it."

"Alright!" Habatha pronounces calling all attention, "now you are to choose your trainer!"

Anthony feels a chill up his spine, a little nervous on who to pick. He was with no idea on who would be better, who would anchor him into becoming the greatest demon hunter and have revenge on Undomno.

The choices were all too complicating. Habatha was in her thirties, beautiful, strong perspectives and would be a great trainer, what was he thinking they would all be great trainers. Crevin also looking Thirty was bulky, scary and disciplined looking, but Vindacurve was looking deep into his sixties, didn't look like he had much to offer in his age.

"Tyler who would you choose to follow?" Anthony asks desperate for an answer.

Tyler turns to him, "Habatha good for speed and agility training, Crevin for strength and Vindacurve for extraordinary students whose abilities reach great feats, that's why I'll pick him."

Anthony smiles "thanks..."

"But the training portrayed by Vindacurve guarantees failure, I wouldn't advice your choice being him if you have everything to loose," Tyler said coldly.

It all came down to that same decision in his life that singled him out, again.

'Why do I feel so scared, it's just a choice... To pick, but It feels so damn hard!'

'i am so weak and everyone here has gone through trails and trainings, I'm too useless to risk even this decision.... I feel like I am going crazy inside me, to train under Vindacurve and become superior, to train under Crevins and be strong, to train under Habatha.... I can't, I... I... I am too damn scared!'

At this point Anthony felt like dying, if his life ended at this moment at least he wouldn't have to worry about his uncertain future.

'Why can't I have my revenge now? Why do I have to go through all this training? I feel alienated being among this people.'

'I can't shake off the feeling of the farm and meeting mum which still feels like yesterday but was days ago.... Why didn't Undomno just kill me? Why did I survive? Was this all for a reason....? What choice do I have now....? I'm in too deep!'

Anthony had everything to loose, failure wasn't an option, he had better choose Habatha, she would do him good as a choice.

"Thanks Tyler," Anthony in appreciation bowed his head.

"Crevins step to the right and I promise you shall have the best of Slayers education," Crevin announces and a huge portion of the crowd went to the right.

"Habatha step to the left and I shall make you great Slayers," another portion fell to the left leaving the smallest portion in the middle.

"Vindacurve step forward and most of you shall fail and go back home, but those that pass will have greatness before them," Vindacurve said lastly.

The portion in the middle stepped forward.

This was it. Anthony grinds his teeth, if he was going to be a Slayer he was going to be the greatest, he thought stepping foward, "Vindacurve you will be my trainer".
