19: Hunter Exam 2

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 19: 𝕳𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖝𝖆𝖒 2

Anthony slashed for Nicks shoulder with all his might aimed to amputate it before the punch reaches him.

Nick sees the attack and angles his fist for the sword. Anthony's attack is deflected easily by Nick's face, which was barely dented by it.

Nick throws another fist that connects with Anthony's exposed face, "Tskk!" Anthony groaned as the attack sends him several feet away crashing on his back.

Anthony maneuvered himself back to his feet almost immediately. He catches a glance of Nick throwing another fist for his face again. Anthony swerves left dodging and letting the fist dig a hole in the ground.

Nick's arm bulged again exploding a violent gust of wind and grit everywhere. "Ahhhh!" Anthony jerked his head back violently as grit flew into his eyes.

Unable to see properly he hesitates struggling to get the grit out of his eyes by blinking continuously.

"Gaaah!" Nick plants a balled fist on Anthony's gut. He groaned spitting out blood as he was hurled into the air by another explosion of wind.

Anthony collides with the ground back first. "Tsk!" He grunted.

"Hehehehehe!" Nick cackled, he felt gratified by Anthony's weakness, "you lasted the most of all I faced tonight, for making this a wonderful night, I will make your death deliberate and painless."

Anthony stood to his feet his body hurting like hell, he groaned feeling the pains from Nick's attacks.

Nick sprang into the air and landed beside a tall tree. He wraps his enormous hands around it and with one jerk fromat full force uprooted it completely from it's root. He flinged it into the air.

The tree soared in the sky headed fast for Anthony. Anthony recedes backwards evading the attack easily letting the tree crash aimlessly into the ground.

Anthony exhaled in relief, "so that's what you call painless!" He yelled perplexed.

Nick cackled again, "what's the fun in that?" He uprooted another tree and flinged again for Anthony.

Anthony swerved right dodging the tree by an inch. He didn't have time to waste here, nor wanted to prolong the fight any further.

Nick uprooted another tree, he was satisfied to see the demon hunter confused and looking already wasteful.

"Ho-ho!" Nick hesitated as he saw a smile play on Anthony's face.

"Why are you laughing you ass!" Nick barked out enraged and confused.

"You uprooted a fruit tree!" Anthony scorned.

"What the fuck is he talking about?" Nick whispered to himself with a confused look.

Anthony takes in a deep breathe and exhaled. He felt his lungs begin to enlarge, red flames began to enamate around his sword. He widened his stance firmly and held his sword with his hands.

Boom! He launched for Nick cutting fast through the air like lightning, covering dozens of feet in seconds.

Nick flinged the tree agitated by Anthony's power increase.

With one simple slash of Anthony's sword, the tree split into two halves. He closed in on Nick in a second.

"Dragon tooth!" In defence Nick thrusted his left for Anthony. Anthony hunches his back ducking the balled fist.

"Technique 2, Vanquishing flames!" Anthony screamed out his veins popping as he ran his sword through Nick's waist and out the other way severing him in half, "Ahhh!" his upper body slid of it's lower and plummets to the ground.

Anthony's breathing became heavy, he tilted to Nick and is jolted to see him crawling quickly away in a desperate flee.

All the atoms in his body yelled to him Vindacurve's words, 'don't let them regenerate!'

He darted for Nick reaching him in a second, he swung for the neck, but Nick increases in pace evading Anthony's attack by an inch.

"Dammnnnnn!" Nick shrieked as the gale projected by the swing cuts deep into his throat letting warm blood gushing out.

He sensed the burning sensation from Anthony sword it delayed his regeneration, for a while. But finally he was back, a new set of legs shot out of his waist, he does a back flip to get some distance away from Anthony.


Nick pointed out his hands opening his palms right for Anthony who sprang forward to follow him.

Such desperation.

Anthony huffed out, he grinded his teeth, Nick was clearly about to release an explosion again.

He couldn't back down now he needed to decapitate him now before he would strike back a decisive blow.

"Dragon tooth!" Anthony screamed out his sword letting out numerous sparks of flames as he swung for Nicks neck.


Nick's hands exploded with air that hits Anthony.

"Ahhhhhrrrrgggh!" Anthony felt his body shake violently his ears going deaf, but he couldn't stop now.

Anthony ran his sword through Nick's neck with all his might, "Dieee!" His sword went through, and sent Nick's head flying in the air.

Anthony landed on his feet and exhaled, "technique 8, horizontal circular slash."

He stood upright and fixed his sword back into his scabbard. He tilted his head back to Nick staring wide eyed as he slowly crumbled to dust, he had won.


Vindacurve sat with all the recruit. "To kill a demon isn't as easy as you think, sometimes it can be a needle in an haystack."

"You can only kill a demon with dragon scaled metals or demon weapons. The first way to kill a demon is by severing it's head from it's body. It usually works for lower demons but higher up's, rarely."

"For demons like the Monster rank, you need fore sight, you need keen sense of seeing or vibe, in this case smell and taste might be useless."

"The demons have a heart or as we commonly call them Bling. This bling can travel around every organ of the demon. If you try to cut it's head, it would crawl up the demons arm you try to cut off it's arm, it would crawl up its rear twice as fast as the speed of light. A defeatist and a coward would always die when encountering this type, or probably they will beg the demon to deflect to it's side by becoming one. I have seen so many cases as so."

"For now get into your head, be desperate... Be hungry... To cut off it's head!"


Nick let's out loads of tears out of his eyes. "K.. Kch... Damn you!"

Anthony found it a little degrading for such a heartless beast to be in woe.

"Damn everyone!"

Anthony walked up to Nicks crumbling head, "why do you cry?"

Nick turned his gaze to Anthony, "damn you... Brat!" He screamed frustrated at the top of his voice.

"You want to die a lonely loathing death?" Anthony waits for a reply but none came, "fine with me, anyway you'll die, but with so much pain and loathing creeping deep within your demonic heart." Anthony rose to his feet turning around and walking away.

Nick sobed even more he was going to die hell... The lake of fire... And with so much to loose. "Wait!" He called out to Anthony who continued to walk away ignoring his call.

"Damn hunter! Wait!" Still Anthony didn't mind walking away at a steady pace.

"Please!" He wailed like a crying child.

"Hugh!" Anthony tilted his head back giving a confused look, "are you talking to me?"

"Yes!" Nick cried out.

"I thought you said you need privacy, didn't ya?" Anthony asked.

"Damn hunter I... I changed my mind!" Nick yelled now unable to cry as he had lost half of his head now including his eyes and half of his nose.

Anthony smiled, "common... You said you have something to say, I don't have all night you know."

Nick hesitated for a while not speaking a word. He looked back to the retrospect if his young life bullied by everyone, he was an orphan, what else would he expect. Even when he became a demon, he was still to weak to rival other demons as they were too strong for him, he finally had power and life was instantly taken from him, why? If this was it he had to make things right at least to one person.

He opened his mouth and revelled in the words that came out next, "fuck you demon hunter! I will look forward to defeating you in hell!"

Anthony stared utterly confused before smiling, "sure, I can't refuse a plead for battle, can I."

Anthony sprang from the debris and unto a branch, he stood tall narrowing his eyes and surveying the vicinity.

"Hoho," Anthony exclaimed as his eyes caught a tree tall and glimmering it's wonderful golden glow, it was a Fakani tree not to far away, then another all leading in one direction.

Anthony smiled widely, "finally," he had reached the safe zone and was more than ready to leave the forest.

He launched onto the next tree branch headed for the trail of Fakani trees. Finally, Anthony thought, he had passed the Exam.
