22: Demon Rivers ii

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 22: 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 2

Anthony raised his sword high and brought it down with all his might cutting through and amputating the demon's hand with ease freeing himself from the blade imbedded in his shoulder.

"Ahhh! Shit!" The demon cried out in pain, blood spewing from it's wound.

"Now for your legs!" Anthony barked out swinging down at the demon's legs.

The demon panics leaning foward head first to head butt Anthony.

Anthony catches glimpse of it, he couldn't risk taking an attack like that, he backed out from his attack pulling hard on the demon's wrist maneuvering his sword upward to chop the demon's head off before it reaches him.

The demon gave a smile that stuns Anthony. Anthony didn't realize it until the knee dug hard into his gut.

"Tsk!" Anthony coughed out blood loosing his grip on the demon, stumbling a few feet back.

Anthony groaned as he grabbed the shoulder that the blade pierced tightly, "Ahhh!" He cried out in pain watching blood spew out. He immediately tended his wounds wrapping around it a piece of cloth to stop the bleeding.

He turned his view back to the demon who had regenerated himself a new hand but without a blade.

"You are really pesky!" The demon muttered angrily "I took it too easy on you bastard! Now I'll gut you out!"

Anthony grinned widely before giving a chuckle, "you aren't even worth my time!" Anthony insulted fixing his sword back into his scabbard.

The demon was shocked to see Anthony disarm himself. Hesitatingly he wrenches from his mouth "what! The hell! Are you fooling with me?" He barked out angrily.

Anthony shook his head, "no!" He said calmly. "I am sure the next time we clash I will take your head off your body!"

"Shut it brat!" The demon barked out feeling uneasy and overwhelmed with rage. "How the hell are you sure of that?"

Anthony chuckled softly pointing a finger at the demon, "you're too weak, without your blades!" Anthony noticed the demon expression of fear.

"Damn you!" The demon retaliated. "You really think I need that blade to end you! I am great and mighty! There is no way you can defeat me!" He said with so much zest and anger his veins were popping out, "I am the mighty Dwinko! You won't see me coming when I imbed the tip of my blade deep in your rear!"

Anthony grin arched even more, "without your legs I will like to see how mighty you are!"

Dwinko gasped in shock he froze up for a few seconds before yelling out "what the hell are you yapping about!"

Anthony shook his head his grin swaying away into a scowl "you have legs that fly by taking in air and releasing out, after you release you won't be able to fly until three seconds."

Dwinko growled angrily "I don't give a damn if you know that!" He bent his legs to launch. "Ultimate Rocket!" He yelled with all his might springing fast at Anthony.

Anthony wrapped his right around his hilt took in a deep breath and released "Dragon Tooth."

Dwinko in mid air maneuvered himself in a cart wheel as he came close enough to land an attack.

Anthony sees the heel of Dwinko's leg hovering over him and plummeting down to his head.

He recoiled back letting the heel dig deep into the ground. Dwinko wastes no time swinging his other foot for Anthony's shoulder with full force.

Anthony ducks letting the leg graze the strands of his hair. "Shit! Keep still brat!" Dwinko said throwing his foot for Anthony which he blocks with his blade.

Another foot came for Anthony which he raises his sword to block readily, the force of the blow sends a reverberating chill up his spine. Dwinko's attacks were gaining strength and speed fast.

Dwinko thrusted his foot for Anthony's shoulder which he blocks easily with his sword, he sends a punch flying for Anthony's face at the same moment. Anthony sees this jerking his head backward and letting the fist graze his cheek.

"Stay still Brat!" He barked out throwing a fist for Anthony's face again.

Anthony ducks under his arm evading completely. 'There it was a complete opening'.

Anthony plants a knee across the demon's face sending it stumbling back a few feet. He attacks again swinging his sword for it's throat at full speed.

The demon recoils it's head letting the tip of Anthony's sword grave it's neck. "Bastard!" The demon leg gave an outburst of wind throwing a kick at Anthony's face.

Anthony raises his hands to his face in time blocking the kick, "Tsk!" His body shuddered and his hands gave a cracking noise in response.

"Die Bastard!" The demon's leg gave another burst as it throws a fast knee to Anthony's face.

Anthony recoiled his face but not fast enough. The knee met with Anthony's jaw sending him flying several feet into the air and crashing back first to the ground.

Anthony groaned as his jaw ached, this demon was dangerous in both long and short combat range, he needed to change tactics to gain the upper hand.


Anthony catches glimpse of a the demon plummeting down on him blade first. He roles out of the way leaving the blade to imbed deeply into the ground.

Anthony backflips himself to his feet keeping his guard up. The demon charges him getting in range fast, it swung it's blade at Anthony's throat.

Anthony raises his sword and blocks the blow sending white sparks flying off. Anthony leans forward quickly and abrasively plants his elbow across the demon's face dazing it.

"Technique 2! Vanquishing flames!" Anthony's sword caught a blue flame as he swung for the demon's throat.

The demon instinctively jerks it's head letting the sword slit half of it's throat.

"B-a-s-t-a-r-d!" The demon gurgled. It held it's throat with one hand retreating back.

Anthony throws a kick, planting it on the demon's gut dazing it. He wastes no time in swinging his sword again for it's neck.

The demon ducks the attack. It sees an opening and plants a fist for Anthony's gut.

"Arrrgh!" Anthony stumbled back a few feet before regaining his footing.

The demon let's go of it's regenerated neck, it growled giving Anthony a resentful glare. "You bastard! I'm gonna fucking Massacre everyone in this village when am done with ya!"

Anthony huffed out calmly placing his sword to his side "I'm going to protect this village no matter what, I'm going to free them from your grasp!" Anthony yelled out enthusiastic, "I will give hope to all of them, that I swear on my life."

"Hehehe!" The demon cackled raising it's right leg, pointing the sole of his foot at Anthony. "When I'm done with you bastard there won't be any trace of your wretched life!" The demon yelled, it's leg beginning to swell, giving a whooshing noise as it bulged violently.

Anthony increased his grip on his sword "I don't bloody care if I die I'll take you down too!!!"

"Ultimate rocket!" By now the leg had swollen like a huge balloon the size of an elephant, "E-x-p-l-o-s-i-o-n!"

Boom! The demon's foot exploded into blood, a gale of wing blasting out of it. The violent wind tore apart the soil and everything in it's part heading for Anthony.

"Tsk!" Anthony gasped in shock, an attack of wind was inescapable.

Boom! The wind hits Anthony sweeping him off his feet and into the strong current of air. "Arrrgh!"

Fwwwooom! the mighty wind finally dispersed, creating a large debris of rocks dozens of feet away.

The demon revelled the moment, the smell of the Hunters blood, the grit in the air and the destruction he had inflicted on the beach. "Good riddens bastard, to hell..."

"Die!" The demon froze in shock as it caught sight of Anthony behind him, unscathed from his last attack. He swung his sword for the hind of the demon's neck.

"What?" The demon hesitated in fear as Anthony's sword met with his hind cutting deeply into it. "Arrrrrthhhh! B-a-s-t-a-r-d!!!"

"Die!" Anthony muttered. This was it, he was finally going to end the demon. "I'll save Mouta no matter what! That's my promise!"
