Chapter Fifteen

His hand was firmly around her wrist and he dragged her across the hallway roughly, straight to her bedroom. Flinging the door wide open, it struck the other side of the wall with a loud bam, causing the shelf next to it to lose some objects to the ground. He pulled her with force from behind him and threw her into her room, his mind blind with fury, yet his body still aroused and begging him to put her back flat on the bed and fuck her until he drilled into her how to be good.

"Fucking hell, Dawn! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Azarel yelled after her.

She stared at him squarely, her face devoid of any emotion. Not even remorse. "What? You said fuck yes. What am I supposed to do?"

"I was asleep!"

"Do sleeping people usually talk and tell me to suck their cock just like that?"

"Christ, those words shouldn't even leave your lips, they shouldn't - Fuck!"

"I sucked your cock and I liked it, Azarel," Dawn said, pronouncing each word carefully. "In fact, I want to do it again."

"I'm your bloody guardian!" Azarel said as he covered his eyes in shame. "Why can't you get that in your skull… God, fuck!"

If he was going to die, he was dying of the guilt that was tearing his body to shreds now.

"I said I don't give a fuck about that! I'm not giving up until you see me that way, so forget it!"

"If I did not see you that way, then what makes you think it was fine to suck me off while I was sleeping?"

"Guys need sex to feel loved, am I wrong? You dudes can fuck a girl without pursuing romance with her too."

"I thought I made it very clear that I didn't want anything sexual with you."

"Sure," Dawn laughed. "Sure, you did."


"You came in my mouth, Azarel. I think the cat was out of the bag long ago. You fucking want my pussy."

He glared at her in horror. Running a hand across his face, he went back to their past. She was right. She was too right. He wanted to bury himself in her, wanted to thrust into her until she screamed his name. He wanted her so bad, it fucking hurt. But no, fuck if he was going to admit that to her!

"Why? You don't want to fuck my pussy?"

"N-No," Azarel lied.

"If you won't fuck my pussy, then fuck my ass - "

And Azarel slammed her door in her face.


"So," Dawn's therapist said as she walked to the couch in the living room. "I'm here to pay another home visit. I'll be gone before you realise it, I promise you." And she laughed.

"No, it's completely alright," Azarel said as he pulled an armchair to face the couch. Dawn sat down on it and he took another chair from the dinner table to set it adjacent to them. "You're welcome anytime."

"Any developments lately?"

"What do you mean?" Dawn asked, a small smile spreading across her lips as she stared between her therapist and Azarel. He gripped hard onto one armrest and smiled back at her. He could never read her mind.

"Any developments in your relationship with your guardian? Anything interesting happen?"

"Sure, a few interesting things happened," Dawn said, folding her arms.

"Like?" the therapist asked, looking between Azarel and Dawn.

"I had a panic attack outside, at the mall," Dawn said and Azarel heaved a sigh of relief. "And he brought me back home immediately. It was my first panic attack and he handled it very well."

"That's great to hear, Dawn," the therapist said. "Good job, Azarel."

"Thanks," he said.

"But these days the air conditioning seems to have broken," Dawn said. "Being near Azarel is so hot all the time, I can hardly breathe in my own skin." Dawn stared hard into his eyes, her expression lit up with the double meaning of her words. He felt the burn of her gaze on him melting his skin and he covered his mouth with one hand to take a hard swallow.

"That must be horrible, right? It's summer now, you guys must be suffering!" her therapist said.

"Yes, I am," Azarel said, his mouth dried out. "I am suffering."

"I wish I could tear off all the clothes on my body," Dawn said with a laugh. "My body is on fire all the time. Right, Azarel?"

"Considering the amount of clothes you wear, of course you're hot all the time. You should let your skin breathe," Azarel said as he returned her heated gaze.

Fuck, he was at the end of his rope.

"What should I do?" Dawn said, her gaze searing into him.

"Take off some layers," he said, his hand fisted at his side until his knuckles turned white.

"I don't have thin clothes, buy some for me, will you?" Dawn said. "I like some of the pajama sets from Victoria's Secret." Her chest stopped short of one breath, jerking as she skipped it.

"Buy whatever you want," he said through gritted teeth. "You can get everything."

"Am I interrupting something?" someone said and both their heads snapped to the voice. It came from Dawn's therapist.

Her expression was frozen in shock, her eyes shooting between either of them. Bewilderment was written all over her face. Azarel steeled himself. If anyone tried to separate him from Dawn, they could certainly fucking try, but they would die trying. Nothing was going to tear him from her. If they wanted to try?

Bring it on.


Azarel stepped out of his home after Dawn's therapist, making sure to close the door behind them. They took a few steps out to the lawn and stopped there when she turned around to face him, bewilderment still all over her face.

"I think this is a conversation we seem to be having far too many times, Azarel," the therapist said, shock creasing into the lines beside her eyes.

"What conversation?"

"Dawn needs to have a safe space for her to recover from her loss, and you need to make sure you're providing that safe space for her."

"I'm doing all that I can," he said.

"Then what was that?"

"What was what?" Azarel asked, the tension still fresh in his muscles.

"You know what I'm referring to," she said.

"I really don't."

At this point, he was more than willing to destroy to ensure Dawn stayed by his side.

What was he turning into?

"As her guardian," the therapist said. "You have to set clear boundaries with your ward. Make it clear to her that your relationship is parental, not anything else."

"I understand," he replied and she shot him a doubtful look. "I really do understand. It's not what it looks like, trust me."

"What is it, then?"

"We just need to get that air conditioning fixed," he said.

The air conditioning was working perfectly.

"And we're just grown very close to each other, enough to make stupid jokes," he told her. "I get that it can be inappropriate. But I will make sure those boundaries are drawn."

Boundaries? Fuck boundaries.

"Alright then," she said. "I just hope everything will turn out well for Dawn."

"Of course."

"I'm sure you don't want to do anything you'll regret," she smiled.

"Don't worry, that won't ever happen."


Azarel waved the therapist goodbye and waited until she was safely within the walls of her car. She started her engine and soon, the car pulled from their lawn and she was well on her way back to wherever she came from. He smiled thinly as he waved at the disappearing car.

Goodbye indeed.

Throwing the front door open, the first thing he saw was Dawn stepping away from the door, her expression telling him that he caught her eavesdropping.

"What did you hear, Dawn?" Azarel asked her in a low voice.

"You're gonna draw some stupid boundaries again!" Dawn protested. "Not again!"

Azarel took a few steps towards her and she backed away from him. "You just want those boundaries in flames, don't you?"

She took more steps back as he took more steps forward. "I just want - " Her back hit the wall next to the kitchen. He stopped just shy of her, mere inches separating their hot mouths.

"What do you want from me?"

She put one hand on his chest. "You know what I want," she said, her breathing ragged.

Removing her hand from his chest, he put it firmly on the wall next to her head, securing it there. Dropping his other hand down to her waist, he pulled her lower body flush against his.

"A-Azarel," she said.

Releasing his hold on her waist, he cupped her chin and forced it upwards at him. Hovering his mouth over hers, he watched as her body trembled with her need for him.

"I don't have the power to stay away from you anymore, Dawn," he said with exhaustion.

"Then don't," she said, her hot breath touching his chin.

He crashed his mouth down onto hers, and all the breath left their bodies. Their teeth grazed across their lips, their tongues meeting and wrestling for purchase. A moan ripped from his chest as he pulled hard on her lip, sucking hard into it amid a moan from her. Pushing her body flat with his against the wall, he kissed her with ferocity, and slowly, their surroundings faded from existence.