Chapter Seven

"Sure," Azarel said to the people in the screen. "I'lll get down to work as soon as possible."

The people in the screen smiled as they moved onto another topic of conversation about more duties they had to do. Azarel continued answering their questions as a consultant, giving them advice that well, was beyond their time and otherworldly. They had hired him easily after he came up with a resume that he catered exclusively to their company and they paid well, which ensured that Dawn would have a comfortable life with him.

"Azarel…" a voice said from behind him.

Azarel looked behind him. Dawn was peeking her head into the room with a sheepish expression.

Azarel stared at his colleagues. "Will there be anything else?"

"No, thank you," his boss said.

"Then I'll be off," he said before turning his computer off. He spun around again to see Dawn coming over to sit on the edge of his bed, her eyes still downcast. "What's wrong, Dawn?"

"I just wanted to apologise for what I did yesterday," she said. "I was being unreasonable and I hurt you pretty bad but you chose to patch me up instead."

"It's completely fine," he said to her. "We should change your plaster soon."

"What about yourself? Your wound was worse."

Azarel touched his forehead. "It was just a bleeder. There isn't even a scar on me. Don't worry about it."

She stared at him for a while before dropping her eyes to her hands in her lap, her cheeks slightly pink.


"Thank you," she said. "And I'm sorry."

He smiled. "I forgive you," he said, reaching out his hand to hers.


Azarel was in deep sleep when he was jarred awake by some high-pitched sounds. His eyes flew open and he paused as a moment of silence set in. Did he dream that? Then, another piercing cry shattered the silence, purging the doubts from his mind. They sounded distinctly like Dawn's voice, and his back shot up from the bed.

After hastily tugging a shirt on, he sped down the hallway to her bedroom as quickly as he could. When he was in her room, Dawn was struggling against invisible restraints in bed and screaming in fear. Picking her up in his hands, her eyes flew open and darted everywhere.

"Wha-Wha - " Dawn cried out as he pulled her into his embrace. Tears flowed down her cheeks and her body shook in fear. She clutched onto his arms tightly, her lips trembling and shining with moisture from her tears.

"Shh…" Azarel whispered to her. "It was just a nightmare. Everything will be fine now."

"I - I - "

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, alright?"

She bit her lips as more tears poured down. She buried her head in the crook of his neck and he felt the cold touch of her forehead on his skin. "The nightmares. They're getting worse."

"What do you see in them?"

"My parents - " Dawn said. "Blood all over. Bodies everywhere. My parents were zombies, coming for me, trying to kill me. I cut their lives short and they wanted to take revenge."

"Your parents would never do that," Azarel said. "Don't worry."

"You don't know that."

"How did you survive the train derailment, Dawn?"

"My parents had their arms around me, protecting me from the impact."

"See? You have nothing to be worried about. They would never hurt you."

"I don't know. It seemed so real."

"Your parents are in Heaven," he said. "They couldn't hurt you even if they wanted to."

"I can't stop thinking that I failed them somehow. We were on that train because I was so bored at home all the time. We wanted to see the country."

"They don't think that. Trust me, they are safe and happy where they are. And they look down into Earth often to see how you are doing. They know you're safe with me."


"Of course," Azarel said. "I was close to your parents, remember? If I was certain of only one thing, it would be that they loved you with all their hearts."

A tear rolled down one cheek and Azarel wiped it from her face. "I just miss them so much. I want to see them again, say sorry for everything."

"You don't ever have to apologise, Dawn. You're perfect," Azarel said.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

Azarel paused. Why was she so important to him? She was a human and sure, he loved humans. But why did he feel so protective of her? Especially her?

"You are family, Dawn."

She laughed a little. "Thank you."

"How do you feel now?"

"Much better."

"Good." He embraced her tightly, brushing his hand over her hair. "You're safe, alright?"