Chapter Nineteen

No, not this one, Azarel thought as he flipped to the next profile. He read through the profile, familiarising himself with the man. He seemed nice but no, Azarel thought again as he crumpled up his profile. That wasn't the right person either. He reached out to the next stack of papers on his desk and placed it before him.

Another towering stack of potential guardians.

He flipped and flipped, and soon the heap inside his trash can overflowed, and balls of paper dropped off to the side. He stared at the tower that was still so tall, and he groaned. None of these people were good enough. He should've figured that out earlier.

Nobody was good enough for Dawn.

He groaned again and tried to pick up the next profile from the tower. He read through it, but it was another dud again. Pushing back into the backrest of his chair, he let out a tired sigh. The search wasn't going well, but hell if he was going to give up. He would never let anything bad happen to Dawn. He was no longer her guardian angel, but…

She was still his human.

He cracked his knuckles and emboldened himself. He had to continue searching. There had to be someone suitable for her. Someone who was perfect. He reached out to pick another profile up but the sound of a door creaking sounded behind him. He turned his head around to look.

Dawn was leaning against his door frame, dressed in a lacy red bustier with panties that were hooked to bowed garters, her legs covered in sheer thigh-high socks.


"Come here," Azarel ordered and Dawn hopped over in giggles, stopping before his desk and jumping up onto it. Azarel nudged himself between her legs and parted them, dropping his face to her pussy. Tearing her panties down past her ankles, he neared her shaven lips, her thighs now trembling as she put her back onto the table.

Azarel sucked onto her inner thigh before approaching her opening again. Blowing hot air into it, Dawn spread her legs wider, her ass lifting off the table momentarily to touch her pussy to his mouth. Pressing his lips to her clit, his tongue shot out to circle it, causing short bursts of air to leave Dawn's lips.

He sucked onto the ball, the taste of her pussy enveloping his mouth and he heard her picking up some papers on his table. The sound of papers flipping filled the room as he slid her tongue down from her clit to her opening.

"You're still going on about this?" Dawn complained as he licked across her opening. "You - You - " she said as his tongue entered her folds and her words turned into gibberish. Fisting his hair and pushing his mouth into her pussy, she pulled her legs up towards her chest as his tongue moved in and out of her pussy. "Fuck!" The papers flew down over the edge of the table, forming what he was sure was a mess on the ground.

Reaching up to her clit again, he caught the bead between his teeth and her body jerked violently as he felt the tip of his tongue part to flick at her clit.

"What was that?" Dawn cried out, looking down between her legs.

"Don't fucking know," Azarel said as his tongue shot out, its tip now with a split end.

"Fuck, this is Heaven!"

"Come, sit above me," Azarel said and Dawn slid off the edge of the table to hover above him. He freed his cock from his pants and pushed it into her slowly, and she sat on it until he was fully sheathed. One of her hands on the table, she bounced up and down his cock, moan after moan ripping from her chest.

As he fucked her, his tail suddenly appeared from behind him and wrapped around her body in a circle, heaving her up and down his cock. The end of it slowly dipped towards her pussy and his cock, and ribs formed around it before it slicked inside of her, pushing upwards to dive deep into her. They both pushed in and out of her, and within minutes, the orgasm hit them both.

"I've always been a filthy sinner," Dawn panted.


"You are my fucking salvation, Azarel."


Azarel drew repeated circles around her forearm as she lay beside him on his bed, her body naked but hidden under his sheets. She lifted the sheets up to her nose and took a long inhale, sighing in pleasure afterwards.

"You smell like sex, Azarel," she said.

"That's because we just had sex," he laughed.

"No, I smelled sex on you the moment I saw you. I wanted to fuck you right where you stood."

He froze. "Really?"

"I know you inserted memories into my mind before, but do you honestly think you were the one who made me fall for you? I did it on my own."

He didn't say anything.

"I've never said this, but," Dawn said. "I love you."

"I love you too, Dawn," he said. "I was created for you." She smiled. But suddenly a frown replaced it. "What's wrong?"

"Are you going to leave me? Please, I don't want you to, please!" Dawn said. "I want you by my side."

"Well, there is one more way I can keep you protected."

"Does it include you staying with me?"

"Yes, it does."

"What way is it?"

"Sell your soul to me, Dawn."


She said no. Azarel sighed as he left the supermarket, two large bags of groceries in one hand. She said no! Why did she say no? The search for a new guardian was unfruitful and the only way for him to stay by her side and keep her well protected was if she sold her soul to him, but although the very idea catered well to her desires, she fucking said no.

When he reached his home, he kicked the door open with one foot. Placing the grocery bags near the front door, he closed it behind him and locked up.

"Dawn?" Azarel went around the house calling for her.

There was no response.

"Dawn?" Azarel tried again. Then, he went into her bedroom, only to see the most irritating sight he ever laid eyes on.

There was an angel hovering over a set of lingerie Dawn had left on the bed. He picked the strappy panties up and lifted it to his nose, inhaling deeply.

"Sariel, what the fuck are you doing?"

Sariel turned around. He never liked this angel. There was something about him that rubbed him the wrong way.

"Why, Azarel," Sariel said. "I was only familiarising myself with Dawn's scent."

"Can't you use her top or something?"

"Humans have their most distinct smell where their reproductive organs are, you already know this."

"Get the fuck out, Sariel," Azarel said.

"No, I can't."

"Why the fuck not?"

"I've replaced you as her guardian angel. After, well, you know, your fall."

"You are her new guardian angel? What a joke."

"The elders all agreed on this," Sariel said as he stared at his nails. They were filed short and the cuticles are neatly cut. The surface of his nails also shone with some sort of disgusting gloss. "What were you thinking, Azarel? Fucking your human?"

"I said get out," Azarel said. "I don't give a shit if you're her guardian angel or not. She belongs to me."

"Oh, does she?" Sariel said, slicking his oiled hair back, as if it could go any further behind. "I seem to recall her refusing to sell her soul to you. As long as she refrains from stupidity, she still officially belongs to me, doesn't she?"

"Her soul will be mine soon. Get out."

"No means no," Sariel laughed. "You demons are all so dull. What does she see in you? She must be another dimwit."

Oh no, he did not just call her that!

"You're fucking dead for saying that, Sariel."

Sariel smiled thinly. Then his hand fell around the hilt of his sword, holding onto it firmly. He dragged his sword out of his scabbard, holding it between them in midair.

"Duel me."


Azarel watched as Dawn stepped out of her bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body. She jumped at the sight of the short angel with hulking wings behind him glaring at Azarel, whose horns and tail were glowing and vibrating with fury. Dawn could clearly see Sariel, and it was obviously because he let her. The thought of Dawn knowing Sariel existed incensed him like nothing else and he bared his teeth at the offending angel.

Sariel's wings took him into flight and he hovered over Azarel for a split second before he pounced hard onto him, his sword nearly at his throat.

"Azarel!" Dawn yelled.

Azarel flung Sariel off of him and his back struck the ceiling. Sariel dropped to the ground again and Dawn turned around to glare at him. Collecting light behind him, the power launched Sariel into Azarel and they disappeared past the walls, out into the backyard.

Azarel wrapped his tail around the hand which was holding onto the sword. Twisting his hand, Sariel let out a high-pitched cry of pain as Azarel removed the sword from his hand and flung it into the tree far away. It lodged onto one branch, the bird next to it still chirping away as if nothing had happened.

Lifting one leg up, Azarel threw his feet into Sariel's stomach and his vertically challenged body flew into the sky, where he regained stability with his wings.

"Demons! They can't fly!" Sariel mocked as Dawn raced out the back door, stopping at the backyard and looking at the fight that had broken out between them on the road, her body still covered in only a towel.

"And you pussies only want to stay in the air away from us. That scared?"

"Hah! Scared?" Sariel said as he removed a dagger from his sash. Holding it up behind his head, he flew upwards momentarily to gain momentum before plunging towards Azarel again.

It happened in the blink of an eye. Or even shorter than that. Sariel whizzed past Azarel in dizzying speed, and they stopped in front of each other. Sariel still in flight before him, and Azarel crouching on the ground.

"Azarel! NO!" Dawn yelled.

The blood pooled on the asphalt as it poured out of the open wound. More blood gurgled from an open mouth, and the body collapsed to the asphalt in the blood.

Reaching down, Azarel peeled the knife off his body and lowered it to the shaking body on the ground. With one clean swipe, he slit Sariel's throat from cheek to cheek and his body jerked until it finally stilled.

Sariel was dead.