Chapter Three

Ginny stepped into the building. It was a rundown mall which had only a few outlets open. It looked as if it was about to close down and as she walked through it, she smelled a horrible odour of piss. Ignoring it, she made her way to the outlet the man specified and walked in.

There was a friendly man on the other side of the counter with a mask on. She walked up to him with a smile.

"Hi, I have an iPhone XS MAX here, with no cover. It's gold. It has a smashed screen and my friend left it here to be repaired."

"I see," the man said, his voice muffled behind the mask. "Wait here." He disappeared behind the counter and reemerged with her phone, causing her to sigh in relief. He placed her phone at the side and smiled at her. "What is your passcode?"

"Oh, it's 995678," Ginny replied.

"The repair has been paid for, so if you'll sit at the side. It'll be ready in about thirty minutes, then you can leave with your fixed phone."

"Thank you," Ginny said before she retreated to the row of seats at the side.



That was going to be his new passcode, the stranger decided. Couples needed to do everything identically, and since they trusted each other whole-heartedly, they should share their passwords too. If they shared their beds, why not their passwords too?

He chuckled, then sat down at his desk at his office. He keyed in the password and the phone unlocked for him. Prying the casing apart, he fiddled with the organs of the phone. After some time, he looked over at his laptop.

His laptop screen came alive with the feed from her camera. He picked her phone up and stared at it, and his face showed on his laptop. After that, he cloned her phone and placed it next to her phone. He tapped into her messages, and the phone beside it went into her messages at the exact same time.

His job was done. He laughed, content with how perfect he was. Switching off her phone, he left his office with her phone and waved her over. She smiled and came over.

"There," he said to her. "Your phone, as good as new."



She worked as a personal assistant at a well-known company. And she fetched a salary of 7K a month. That's my girl! She also happened to live near Blissfield Park, at a location where many celebrities lived. So it wasn't just her who was rich, her family was loaded too.

Her father was the CEO of a construction company. And her mother was a psychiatrist with her own private practice. He had heard of her clinic before, and had visited several times to see some friends in some sessions. It was just casual visits, nothing too serious, though he went to see them about twice a week as ordered by the court.

Her sister, Gemma, was even more amazing. She was an influencer. A beauty influencer. She made 15k a month! But no, Gemma was not as pretty as Gina was. If Gina started a beauty account, she would make double that!

But her best friend? Her best friend was another high-earning personal assistant. Such rich people. Such high flyers! Here he was, just a phone repairman at some lousy mall. But soon, Gina would become his sugar mommy. He would fuck her, then use her money to buy himself some sex dolls. What a great plan.

Reclining into the rickety beach chair he stole from a beach a decade ago, he held the cloned phone up in the air before him. Her face was on his laptop, and she was in the bathroom. She placed it on the sink, and he stared at the ceiling for a while.

Then she picked up her phone again, her shoulders now bare. She sat down, probably at the toilet bowl, and fired up Spotify. She played a nice song - by Taylor Swift - and he heard the trickling sound of her peeing.

In the next moment, she got up from her seat and walked a while. Her bathroom must be huge, he mused to himself. He watched as she fumbled with her phone for a while before she snapped it onto something on the wall.

Ah, her breasts. They were round and perky. Not too big and not too small. She turned on the water and steam escaped into the air. She was watching some video on YouTube now, and he was staring at her while he rubbed his hand up and down on his cock, while thinking about their wonderful future.

She slathered bath soap all over her breasts and for a while, he wanted to video call her for some phone sex. But no, that would probably scare her, right? He wasn't sure. But he did not want to risk it. So he continued watching.

She stopped bathing herself for a moment. Instead, she closed her eyes and furrowed her brows. Her mouth formed a small O and the steam parted when her breath escaped into the air.

His girl was having some fun of her own.

It was like they were telepathically connected. This was sex! He was having sex with her. He watched as her arm went up and down on herself. He panted as he fucked his hand and imagined himself pushing into her pussy. Her breathing grew ragged and in a soft moan, she sighed in pleasure. He finished at the exact same time and smiled, wondering if the unprotected sex they had this time would result in her getting pregnant.