Chapter Seven

Bale put Ginny in a taxi after they spent much of the afternoon together. It was a taxi she had never seen before, but since she trusted him, she got in. It took her home safely and when she entered her home, her family was about to have dinner.

Her mother flashed her a look of concern. Ginny glanced at the table. There was a set of food prepared for her too. "Will you join us this time, Ginny?"

"Of course," Ginny said and smiles instantly broke out onto everyone's faces.

"Ginny is back!" Gemma yelled and her parents clapped.

"Gosh," Ginny said as she dropped her tote at a chair near the door and walked to the dining table. She sat down and dug right in. "Thanks, you know, for being so supportive of me."

"You needed us, and since we're family, of course we'd be there for you," her father said.

"We're here no matter what, alright?" her mother said. "We're blood. Family."

Ginny nodded, deeply satisfied that her family was so wonderful. She had struck the jackpot when she was born, and she wouldn't trade her life for any other, even though it was painful at the moment. She ate to her heart's content and was almost done when her phone pinged with a message.

"Wait a moment, this might be work," Ginny said and got up from the dinner table. She usually ignored work messages during dinner but she wasn't exactly present at work lately because of her grief and she wanted to make up for it.

She left the dining room for the balcony and when she closed the door behind her, she removed her phone to look at the text.

It was a picture of her having dinner with her family. Everyone was dressed exactly like they were at that very moment. A chill shot up her spine and she glared at the picture in fear. It was clearly taken from the garden, beyond her balcony.

Her head snapped up at the darkness that surrounded her garden. The hedges were dark but there were some rustling noises. A cold hair breezed through the strands of her hair and her stomach turned.

"Who's there?" Ginny called out.

No reply.

She dropped her eyes down to her phone and clicked into the image. Zooming in and out, she gave her undivided attention to the image. Soon, she was very much lost in it.

Until she heard a pitchy chuckle coming from behind the hedges.


It was a Sunday and he was supposed to meet Gemma's sister, Ginny at the cafe he was in. The decor was beautiful, and he admired the graffiti on the brick walls.

Ginny soon appeared from one door and she took her seat opposite him. She was a beautiful woman. And he was a man who loved beautiful women. His dick twitched in his pants as he watched her lips move along with the words that left her mouth. Those lips, so luscious! If only they were wrapped around his big dick right now…

"Harold?" Ginny said, waving a hand at him.

"Yeah?" Harold said, snapping himself out of his reverie.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"No, could you repeat it?" Harold said to her.

"So, I was saying. Gemma told me you were her friend and that you were great at IT, so I was wondering if you could give me your help," Ginny said to him.

What would he get in return?

"Is there anything you need? A coffee maybe for your help?" Ginny said.

Your pussy clenching onto my cock.

"No, I don't mind helping you for free," he said, smiling.

"Okay then," Ginny said, reaching into her tote. She removed her phone and tapped away on it. She entered a chat window and slid her phone over to him. He looked down at it.

"What is this?"

"Someone sent me an image right when I was having dinner with my family. But I don't know the number. And some days ago, I got a message from him that my best friend's death was not an accident. But it was obviously a hit and run."

Harold looked at the chat window, scrolling through the messages and tapping in and out of the details.

"Well, can you help?"

"Look," Harold said to her. "I'm going to be honest. This is not an IT problem. You have a stalker."

"But - "

"This is not my jurisdiction, Ginny. You need to take this to the police, not me."

Ginny stared at him for a while, as if hoping to see if he would say something that could help her.

They did say that beautiful women had air for brains.

Finally, she sighed, probably realising that whatever he said was true.


Death stood in the room with the girl, who couldn't see him. Her name was Gemma and she was as beautiful as Ginny was. He smiled as he watched her live. Humans fascinated him, and even watching them do everyday things was interesting to him.

Gemma peeled her top over her head and dropped her skirt to the ground. Then she unclasped her bra and took off her panties. She stepped into the jacuzzi and turned on the water, turning it all the way left for hot water.

She was so young, and so flawless. Why were the numbers on her head so low? He felt a sharper ache touch his heart, but it was mainly for Ginny. How could this be? She had already lost Albert and Jane. And now, she was going to lose her sister too?

Death watched as Gemma rubbed her hands over her breasts. She brushed her hair back as the piping water touched her pussy and she winced at the pain. A tear slowly slid down the side of her cheek and she closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said softly.

The next moment, she got up from the bathtub and stepped out of the jacuzzi. She picked up a rope from the ground and tied it around the bar that held the shower curtain. A noose formed and she balanced on the side of the jacuzzi.

And she hung herself.