The Glue

His expressive eyes conveyed a depth of emotion that sent shivers down Emma's spine.

In that moment, Emma realized that there was a version of Swan Lake that ended in such tragic despair.

A love triangle where none of the three central characters found happiness.

What made this particular rendition so uniquely heart-wrenching was Bright's portrayal of Rothbart.

He wept over Odette's death with such raw and unfiltered honesty that it felt as if it weren't an act at all.

The theater audience was collectively held in thrall by the emotional intensity of the performance.

Emma knew she wasn't alone in feeling the impact of Bright's artistry. They seemed to have forgotten to breathe, the entire room suspended in a moment of profound emotion.

Emma was the first to realize the incredible performance Bright had given, and she couldn't help but express her appreciation.

She began to applaud, the sound of her clapping initially filling the air alone. But gradually, like a ripple in a pond, the entire audience regained their senses.

Their hands came together in applause, their emotions a mixture of awe, admiration, and deep respect for the talented actors who had just moved them so profoundly.

As the final notes of the haunting melody faded away, the entire Class A cast appeared on the stage, bathed in the soft glow of the theater's lights.

They stood in a line, their faces reflecting the exhaustion and fulfillment that came after a powerful performance.

With a collective bow, they expressed their gratitude to the audience, who responded with a standing ovation and thunderous applause.

It was a moment of shared appreciation for the art of theater and the incredible talent that had graced the stage that evening.

Bright, still in character as Rothbart, stood among his fellow actors, his eyes revealing a mix of emotions, but most notably, a sense of accomplishment for having moved the audience so deeply.


As Emma stood in the backstage restroom, the weight of Bright's performance lingered in the air.

It was impossible to deny the depth of emotion he had poured into his role.

The backstage restroom, a small, dimly lit space filled with the remnants of the theatrical atmosphere, felt strangely intimate.

Emma had always appreciated Bright's talents, but tonight's portrayal of Rothbart had transcended anything she'd seen before.

It was as if he had bared his soul on that stage, laying his emotions bare for the world to see.

"I must admit, Bright, you left me utterly captivated," Emma continued, her voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. "Your portrayal of Rothbart was nothing short of mesmerizing."

​Bright, who was in the process of washing off his stage makeup, appeared surprised by Emma's words.

"Well," he replied warmly, "your class's art performance was truly genius. You explored Eastern culture in such a unique way."

Emma nodded in agreement, acknowledging the hard work her class had put into the performance.

She stood at the sink adjacent to Bright, looking at his reflection in the mirror as she spoke.

Their eyes met briefly, and there was a moment of unspoken connection.

She watched as Bright gently wiped away the remnants of his stage persona. His face, no longer adorned with the crow mask, revealed a quiet vulnerability.

Emma found herself drawn to the depth in Bright's eyes, a depth that seemed to echo the complexity of the characters in their performance.

Feeling a sudden warmth and a peculiar tingling in the pit of her stomach as she observed the contours of Bright's face in the mirror as he bent to wash his own, Emma stammered, "I, um, I'll head back now. I just wanted to say that."

As she rushed to leave, Bright gently caught her hand, stopping her in her tracks.

He looked at her from head to toe and smiled. "You look beautiful in that shawl I gave you," he said. "Well, actually, you're always beautiful in my eyes."

​Emma's cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink, and her heart fluttered at Bright's compliment.

As she observed his eyes, she couldn't help but wonder why his words had such a profound effect on her.

Her mind had been fully engrossed in overseeing the preparations for Art Night, but this unexpected compliment had a way of making her momentarily forget all the logistical concerns that had occupied her thoughts.

She took a subtle glance at her elegant shawl, a piece of clothing she had almost forgotten about in the hustle and bustle of preparations.

It was as if Bright's compliment had not only brought a warm flush to her cheeks but also unveiled a layer of her femininity that she had tucked away under the cloak of her leadership.

She couldn't help but wonder why Bright had chosen to appreciate her appearance.

It was as though, in that moment, the world around them had faded into the background, and Emma felt like she was floating on air, carried away by an exhilarating sensation that she couldn't resist relishing.

"Ouch, so itchy!" Bright suddenly groaned while scratching his cheek. It seemed the itch was caused by the crow feathers that had been attached to his face earlier.

"What kind of glue did they use? Was it wood glue or horse glue?" He continued scratching vigorously, and his cheek started to swell and turn red.

​The adhesive used to attach the crow feathers had triggered an allergic reaction, and his skin had turned a fiery shade of red. He regretted not questioning the makeup artist about the type of glue they had used.

Emma, with a mixture of concern and amusement, watched Bright's antics. She quickly retrieved a damp cloth from the washstand and approached him.

"Hold on, let me help you with that," she offered, gently placing the cool cloth on his irritated skin. The relief was immediate, and Bright sighed in gratitude.

Amid the hushed atmosphere, a strangely beautiful pause enveloped them.

Their gaze, brimming with unspoken emotions, formed a connection that words couldn't express.