God Law

A passerby overheard and chimed in, "You know, around here, they believe God's law reigns supreme over human laws. It's a blind faith, in my opinion."

Emma, growing uneasy, replied, "Blind faith or not, I lost my belief in God seven years ago when someone I believe brought miracle in my life left me. Thank you." She received some book from hin.

The bystander shrugged, "Well, that's how things work in Frearset. If you're looking for a change, maybe it's time to seek a place more aligned with your principles."

Emma nodded, considering the idea of finding a community that resonated with her values on justice.

Emma spent the entire afternoon lugging her belongings into the office space, the weight of each box and bag mirroring the burden on her shoulders.

Amidst the struggle of organizing her belongings, the phone's insistent ring echoed in the small office space.