A Bomb Wrapped in Ribbon

"About time," Nina commented with a sly grin.

"Hei!!! Why do you say that?!" Emma protested, feigning mix of surprise and amusement.

Laughter filled the room as the duo engaged in a playful and lighthearted exchange, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared secrets.

Shortly thereafter, Bright made their entrance, accompanied by Xeron the Lioness, whose inexplicable disdain for Emma had been apparent since the latter's initial arrival.

"Miss White, at 11, we depart," declared Bright with a commanding tone.

"Understood, Your Highness," Emma replied, her expression immediately stiffening.


As the clock marked the passage of time to half-past eleven, Emma prepared herself for the day's endeavors.

She made her way to the chamber pot, as it would be deemed inappropriate to relieve oneself at the project site.