What if… what if?!

He wouldn't be surpassed, whether in competition with her ex-boyfriend, Cole Armstrong, or even his own father…

King Otto!

The stakes were high, and Bright refused to back down. The purr of the powerful engine echoed his defiance, cutting through the night as a testament to his unwavering resolve.

Seated behind the wheel of his high-end automobile, Bright ignited the engine, its powerful roar resonating through the city streets. The ordinary hustle and bustle of everyday life blurred as Bright embarked on his relentless pursuit to uncover the truth.

With a focused gaze and the hum of the potent engine, Bright expertly maneuvered through the city streets, tailing the unexpected companions—his father and Emma.

The mission to unravel the mystery behind their sudden association had commenced, and Bright was ready to uncover the truth, even if it meant confronting his own suspicions about King Otto's motives.