The Shattered Pride of a Prince

Bright's words, "But now you have me, Emma. You don't need to pretend to be tough. You have me," resonated like a mantra, emphasizing that vulnerability doesn't equate to weakness, and seeking support is not a sign of defeat.

In that moment, the garden transformed into a haven where vulnerability was met with understanding, and the unspoken promise of support resonated through the silent exchange between Bright and Emma.

She looked at Bright with gratitude, her hand instinctively reaching out to approach him for a kiss. However, the realization of their antagonistic relationship struck her like a sudden jolt of awareness.

"Ugh, what?! What am I doing????" Emma's mind raced, and the stark reality of their contentious history hit her like a splash of cold water.

"We are sworn enemies," Emma mused, her gaze meeting Bright's in a moment of unsettling clarity. "Forever in hatred, even death can't ever end it. Forever in eternity."