In the Sea of Beautiful Gowns

"My Lady, these gowns are meticulously selected for you. I'm confident you'll discover the perfect attire for the upcoming event."

Emma, mustering a polite smile, stepped into the room, surrounded by luxurious gowns that formed a stark contrast to the frustration simmering within her.

Curious, Emma inquired, "What event are you referring to? Is there something upcoming?" She genuinely sought clarification about Bright's intentions.

The saleswoman, displaying a rather amusing depth of knowledge, appeared more informed than Emma herself. "His Highness, the Prince, necessitates an array of suits and jewelry for significant international conferences. These occasions span garden tea parties, evening gatherings, daytime events, formal diplomatic affairs, and dance parties," she explained. "And naturally, My Lady, as the esteemed companion of His Highness, you'll require dresses tailored for each of these diverse events."