Fall Under His Spell

In that moment, Emma held a newfound respect and understanding for Bright, acknowledging the complexities of his character and the world he faced between his privileged upbringing and the responsibilities that came with it.

Despite his status, he remained kind, polite, and composed. He handled his emotions well and was always helpful, showing empathy towards others.

Emma recalled how Bright took on many basic tasks back in the academy without complaint or a sense of superiority over others.

As the student council president, he once spearheaded an environmental recycling program, actively participating in collecting and sorting plastic waste from organic trash.

His actions had left everyone in awe. Students who had initially been repulsed by the idea of sorting garbage were greatly impressed by Bright's willingness to get his hands dirty, despite his princely handsome quality — at that time, they had not yet known Bright's true identity.