You did this on purpose, didn't you?

Emma's heart skipped a beat as a pebble shattered her windowpane, followed by the familiar sight of Bright standing outside, his radiant smile illuminating the dimly lit alleyway.

He looked every bit as handsome and charming as always.

Despite the modest surroundings of their neighborhood, Bright's presence seemed to breathe life into the dreary streets, his aura of positivity casting a warm glow over the dilapidated buildings.

As neighbors passed by, offering greetings and nods of acknowledgment, Bright responded with grace and courtesy, his charismatic demeanor earning him the respect and admiration of those around him.

With each interaction, Bright's infectious optimism seemed to uplift the spirits of those he encountered, infusing the air with a sense of camaraderie and goodwill that transcended the confines of their humble surroundings.