Trully Shameless

CW: šŸ”žPlease refrain from opening this chapter if you are under 18 years old.


You're truly shameless! You don't even care if the guards outside hear your screams, huh?!

ā€” Bright


"Open your mouth," Bright ordered firmly, and Emma obeyed hesitantly. With controlled movements, Bright slid himself into Emma's mouth, forcing her to service him.

Emma looked up at Bright, her eyes filled with tears, but she continued her task, submitting to the commands of the Crown Prince.

Bright savored every movement Emma made, feeling the pressure of her soft, warm lips. He could feel the heat enveloping his body, igniting his desire even further.

But suddenly, Bright pulled away from Emma, regarding her with a mocking gaze. "Enough!"

Emma bowed her head in shame, feeling rejected and humiliated.

But then, her gaze turned sharp as she looked at Bright with full hatred.