A Veiled Threat

Until when will they continue to see me as a clown?

— Rossalind Reed


It was evident that she paled in comparison to Rosalind Reed.

Tremendously so.

As they continued their leisurely ride, Emma couldn't shake off the feeling of inadequacy that lingered in her mind.

She stole glances at Princess Ross, marveling at her grace and confidence. It was clear that Rossalind Reed possessed a certain allure and sophistication that Emma felt she could never match.

As they rode along the winding forest trails, conversation turned to jewelry, and Emma found herself at a loss. She listened intently as the noblewomen discussed the intricacies of various gemstones and designs, feeling completely out of her depth.

Even Princess Ross seemed more knowledgeable about the delicate chain jewelry adorning Emma's riding vest. She recognized it as the work of a renowned designer, difficult to obtain and steeped in history.