Ah, isn't this blouse bothersome? You look better without it.

šŸ”žPlease refrain from opening this chapter if you are under 18 years old. Exercise discretion; this is a work of fiction with all its imaginative elements.


Ah, isn't this blouse bothersome? You look better without it.

ā€” Bright


As Bright delicately fastened the floral necklace around Emma's neck, he couldn't help but notice the rise and fall of her chest with each breath she took.

The soft fabric of her blouse shifted under his touch, revealing glimpses of the lace trim of her brassiere beneath.

Emma's skin tingled with awareness as Bright's fingers brushed against her collarbone, sending shivers down her spine.

She felt a rush of warmth spread through her body, tinged with a hint of nervous anticipation.