
The days that followed for Emma White felt like walking on hot coals. Each step was a painful reminder of her broken heart and shattered spirit.

She no longer had any sense of purpose or direction.

She kept going simply because she didn't know how to stop.

The vibrant, determined girl she once was had vanished, replaced by a shadow of her former self, moving through life on autopilot.

After graduating from the academy, Emma White began a restless journey, moving from city to city.

She could never stay in one place for long, always haunted by memories she was desperate to escape.

Each new city offered a brief respite, a fleeting hope that she might find peace, but it never lasted. She lived out of suitcases, her life a series of temporary residences and fleeting connections.

As time passed, Emma's trail grew faint and indistinct.

She shed her past like an old skin, leaving behind friends, memories, and any semblance of stability.