It’s disgraceful for you and your kingdom!

"This girl must be pretty desperate to steal from the royals,"

"Desperate or not, she's worth a lot of money now. We need to find her before anyone else does,"

Meanwhile, in a small city on the outskirts of Austervale, Cooper Cove city, a concerned citizen approached the local constable.

"Constable, have you heard the news about Emma White?" she asked urgently.

"Yes, I've just received the notice. Surprisingly this girl is still alive. We'll be organizing a search party immediately," the constable assured her.

Emma White, unaware of the storm brewing around her, had become the most wanted person in the kingdom.

She had no idea that her name and face were now known to every corner of Austervale.

"How did it come to this?" she whispered to herself, feeling the weight of her predicament. "Bright, where are you…" she murmured weakly.

Her head drooped forward, exhaustion and despair overwhelming her.