Honesty is the Best Policy

"Let me guess again, you want to get back together with her!"

"Wrong," Cole replied, shaking his head with a chuckle.

"Really? Why not?"

"Yeah, I did like her a lot. But it turns out… I'm actually attracted to the same sex," Cole admitted honestly.

Lucas looked surprised but not overly so. Instead, he seemed intrigued. "Really? That's interesting. I didn't expect you to be so open about it."

Cole shrugged, a bit of tension leaving his shoulders. "I figured honesty is the best policy, especially in a place like this. No point in hiding who I am."

"So, you're wrong. Helping her escape was about her freedom and happiness, not about rekindling our relationship. I want what's best for her," Cole explained, his expression sincere.

Lucas smiled meaningfully. "I'm glad you were so honest about your preference, Cole Amstrong."