
He walked with power. Every step of his screamed elegance, authority, and control. He wore the darkest shade of red there was. The finest silk cloth woven with gold in it, draped around his shoulders under his white linen doublet.

Guards after guards bowed down as he passed through the hallways of the Lynx Palace. He had the hair black as a moonless sky. The symmetry of his face was too perfect for his own good. Tonight, he had a wicked scowl upon his alluring facade.

He stood right at the end of the passageway, right before the enormous door made of gold. Ancient numerals, letters, symbols engraved in it. He faced two of the royal knights guarding the door.

"I request His Majesty's audience at once." His voice roared with authority.

"But, Your Sire, His Majesty King Maximus, is presently occupied and has ordered us not to admit any visitors to his chambers."

"I have no obligation to waste my time conversing with a mere guard. Step aside." His emerald eyes sent daggers to both of the guards, and they removed themselves from their upright position immediately.

After all, one must never cross paths with royalty.

Bursting out the doors open, he barged inside King Maximus' chambers. The enormity of it might scare one, but he was used to the labyrinth of it. He knew every secret passage, tunnels, corners of the chambers inch by inch.

It took him mere seconds to find His Majesty lounging half naked, on his gigantic bed made of bird feathers and finest sandalwood. And it boiled his blood to the core, because the King wasn't alone.

The female courtier was buried beneath the black blankets. She had a face as red as a flushed apple.

"Prince Johann, to what do I owe your presence?" King Maximus asked, his voice calm.

"I request a private audience with His Majesty." Prince Johann tried his best to keep his cool. When the courtier didn't move immediately, he lost it. "Out! Now!" He roared, pointing in the door's direction.

She quickly covered herself with whatever she could find and ran for her life.

"Really?" His voice echoed. "Really Father? Now of all times, you decided to let yourself be vulnerable whereas the assassin's busy removing each one of your members from the Royal Court."

"Dare you speak so, Prince!" King Maximus stood up. "Is this how you address your king? This disrespect shall no longer be tolerated. Cease this behavior or remove yourself from my presence." The King had his emerald eyes squinted to rage.

This brought Johann to his sense. Calming his anger, he said. "Have you not heard the whispers of our spies?" his tone softened. "The Midnight Serpent struck at your Royal Advisor's estate last night. He was found assassinated in a manner reminiscent of the killings of the Royal Chamberlain and the ministers of the former King Severus."

"What? Thornehaven has been slain?" Maximus frowned. "Just as I suspected, your lack of awareness about the state of affairs in this Kingdom doesn't surprise me." Johann let out a dry chuckle, layered with anxiousness. "Your Majesty, I ask for you to prepare for the Royal Investiture Ceremony as though I am afraid they are aiming for you. I intend to make a public appearance and assume the title of Crown Prince before it inflicted any significant harm upon the monarchy."

The King sat on his bed, his expression unreadable.

Prince Johann turned to take his leave. "Additionally, I find Prince Dylan Amadeus' prolonged stay of two years highly suspicious. I intend to visit him soon to ascertain the situation." With that, he left The King sitting on his enormity of a bed and mind trying to gauge the situation.




The boy jumped from branch to branch, trying to catch up with his lungs. It was the blood moon night, everything surrounding himself was pitch black like a pitless abyss. His silver eyes roamed from branch to branch, unsure of where to go. Unsure of himself and his future. All he thought about was survival.

Royal Knights on their individual steeds chased him. But no matter how fast their horses were, they couldn't keep up with the boy.

Run Lu. Promise mother, you'll run and hide yourself.

A distant voice of a woman echoed in his ears. All of his clothes were drenched in blood and sweat.

Run Lu, don't let them find you. Never let them find you.

Tears swelled up in his eyes making his vision blurry. He still didn't stop leaping from one tree to another.

Run Lu, Mother loves you. Will love you. Always.

In an agonizing instant, his desperate toes slipped from the rough bark. The rush of air around him turned into a shriek as gravity claimed its prize. The sickening sensation of free-fall wrenched at his stomach, the ground below gaping like a hungry maw. Sharp branches scraped against his arms, tearing fabric and skin, adding a sting to the impending doom. Panic surged through him, a primal instinct fighting for survival.

Always Lu, always.

Always Lu, always.

Always Lu, always.

Always Lu, always.


His silver eyes snapped open. His lungs were weak due to panting. Ian sat on his bed, panting. Lighting the candle beside his bed, he calmed himself. Right in front of him through the panes of his window smiled the moon. A headache started to find him due to the sight of the moon. The facade of the moon, he couldn't stand it.

He got up and opened his door, heading towards the stairs.

He descended the staircase, the wooden steps creaking beneath his weight, the flickering flame of his candle casting dancing shadows on the walls. Every footfall echoed through the silent manor, a reminder of his solitary journey into the depths of the old, echoing house.

Ian went to the jug of water settled on the dining table, only to notice a tray of freshly baked buns and cinnamon rolls. And his reminder of his solitary journey ended like that.

With the help of his candle light, he spotted a trail of crumbs heading towards the main door. He frowned as he approached the door.

In a distance he could see the light of an oil lamp flickering.

Sighing, he headed towards it, and found her dangling her feet in the water of the pond while sitting on a dry stair.

"You need sleep to heal your injury faster." He said, his voice low.

She again flinched at his sudden presence, but when she turned her head, she didn't look shocked.

"It doesn't hurt much." She patted the vacant spot beside her. "Why don't you come and join me?"

He took a double glance at Nilana and the spot. After being silent for a moment, he gave in and took off his shoes. He then put his cold feet in to more cold water. An unfamiliar sense of calmness washed through him as he sat beside her.

"I couldn't sleep. So I decided to wash the clothes." She started, her tone welcoming. "I baked, and came here, seeing the night sky being clear after such a long time."

He didn't reply, just looked at the sky. Thousands of stars twinkled at his sight.

"You must miss your home a lot, don't you?" Nilana asked before her eyes went up to the sky.

"I don't have one."

Her eyes widened at the sudden open up. She looked at him as she acknowledged, "Me neither."

"I assumed you ran away from your home."

"They were my second foster parents. Wanted to sell me to the local brothel to pay dowry for my elder sister's wedding."

Ian chuckled dryly, "That's quite dramatic."

"I left my home because of it. Almost drowned to death because of it. Of course you find it dramatic." She deadpanned.

"I could do the same to you. Or worse." His indifferent gaze fell upon her. "Why did you agree to stay?"

Nilana smiled unknowingly. "Because I know you'd do anything but not that."

I can kill you right now if I wanted to, and not repent about it. He thought to himself. That's the kind of monster I am.

Changing the subjects she asked, "Where are your parents? In Amadeus?"

"Buried 6 feet under." He replied. "Where are yours?"

She slowly pointed her index finger in the direction of the night sky, where stars glimmered. "Somewhere there. I am sure your parents are over there, too." She murmured, her voice came out like a weak, fragile whisper.

The rest of the night fell silent afterwards. While dangling her legs in the chilling cold pond water, Nilana kept her eyes on the shimmering stars. And he kept his on her.