
Sylvia, adorned in a gown of the finest silk, radiated an air of grace and poise, contrasting sharply with her own bubbling enthusiasm and energy. Ian stood just beyond the frame of the main door, observing as Sylvia locked eyes with Nilana, her expression pleading and earnest.

"Don't tell me you have not heard about the night festival..." Sylvia pondered.

"Nilana is sick." Ian muttered between his breath. "So I've heard from Aunt Giselle." Sylvia took a quick glance at Ian and smirked. "If there is anything that can aid Miss Nilana's health, it's me and the assortment of food stalls at the festival,"

Nilana stood there, agape, unsure of what to say. It was Ian she couldn't disobey, yet she didn't want to turn Sylvia away.

"C'mon! I even brought you a gown!" She had a small paper package in her hand, and she tossed it down to Nilana. Nilana caught it on reflex, her eyes flicking from the package to Sylvia. Sylvia then glanced at Ian, her expression a mix of impatience and expectation. "And Sir Allister, you have two options: one, join with us; two, choose option one," she muttered, arms crossed firmly against her chest. The smirk on her face widened as the mischief in her cerulean blue eyes became more evident.




The night festival was a grand affair, far beyond a simple fair in the town center. It was situated at the far end of town, where the land met the sea. Stalls stretched along the shoreline, a vibrant tapestry of colors and activities. Each stall held its own allure, whether tempting taste buds with culinary delights, offering games of chance and skill, or showcasing intricate handmade wares. An array of lights - oil lamps, candles in various shapes and sizes, and gas lamps illuminated the beachfront. The air was an olfactory delight, a fusion of heavily seasoned seafood and the fresh, briny scent of the sea. Overarching the scene was the moon, resplendent and full, its gentle light casting enchanting shadows on the water, creating a mesmerizing play of light and dark.

Although midnight was still half an hour away, the whole town was wide awake, fully immersed in the festivities. Laughter, chatter, and the sweet aroma of street food filled the air, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration. Children ran around with sparklers, their faces lit up with excitement, while couples strolled hand in hand along the beach, enjoying the magical ambiance of the sea under the moonlit sky.

The Carriage of the Duke Azure arrived. As it halted, the chauffeur jumped down and hurriedly went to open the door of it. Nilana peeked through the window of the carriage already and was beyond amazed at what it was before her eyes.

Sylvia stepped outside, steadying herself by holding the hand of the chauffeur. Nilana followed her behind and got outside. Her eyes widened at the heavy lighting, the sounds of people chattering and sizzling of the food, the smell of it. Everything seemed way too overwhelming for her.

She looked around in search of Ian's face as she clutched the hem of her pastel red gown. The gown was heavily embroidered; her sleeves puffed with net fabric. The corset wasn't too loose neither too tight; it sat knotted just right.

"Mr. Ian said he would be behind us with his steed." She uttered, her brows creased.

Sylvia shook her head and sighed. "You're worrying too much, Nilana. Sir Allister would be here any minute. You come with me. And get that frown off your face." With that, the brown-haired lady tugged on Nilana's arm and pulled her, rushing right inside the festival.

Ian had stopped at the starting point of the beach and stared at the bright, luminous festival ahead of him. His conscience was questioning and laughing at his integrity.

What was he even doing here?

Amidst the lively and joyful atmosphere of the festival, Ian felt an internal struggle. The brightness and cheerfulness around him clashed with the shadows in his heart. He wrestled with his own morality as he gently guided his horse through the festivities. It was a stark contrast—his inner turmoil against the vibrant scene. He kept on questioning himself as he pulled the reins of his stallion, indicating the horse to keep on moving. As he passed the Duke Azure's grand carriage, he made his way toward the heart of the celebration. In this lively crowd, he spotted Nilana with her new friend, Icelyn Sylvia Azure, the daughter of the duke who was in charge of the town they lived in.

The pair both alarmed him and amused him.

Alarmed because Nilana was a risky bait that he couldn't afford to slip up. If anything went south, his plan, his entire sole purpose of living and breathing as an assassin, would be buried 7 feet under.

Amused because, no matter how much alarming and dangerous, Nilana was for Ian. He cursed himself internally to find Nilana impressive, as though she had made a very good use of the steam time, and had a new friend with her already.

Putting all his thoughts behind his head, he got off of his horse and walked with it towards the pair. That is when Ian had noticed the perfection of Nilana's smile as she laughed at something Sylvia had remarked. He had also noticed the flow of her gown that hugged her curves just the right amount. The lock of her strawberry blonde hair tied with a reddish ribbon, the smiling eyes as she looked at Sylvia. Everything about her was contagious.

He was too stunned. Too confused by himself. Too confused by her.

What was happening to him?

His eyes fell on hers. That is when she looked upon him, too.

The timing of their eye contact was perfect.

"Mr Ian!! We are here." She smiled at the sight of Ian and waved her arms up in the air to get his attention.

Too bad that she didn't know. She already had it.