Two Knights Down


As the evening brew swept through the domain of General Vander's estate, the knight guards stood vigilant at their posts, their silhouettes barely visible in the dimly lighted aura that enveloped the whole of the estate. The guards, clad in armor, remained straight, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of disturbance. 

Right in front of the huge main gate of the estate stood two knight guards, their body bulked, and their unusual height would absolutely tower a person with an above average height. They were labelled as two of the strongest knight guards the great General Vander acquired and were personally chosen by him to guard the main entrance. 

Tonight, they were at ease and mostly laid back because of the low-risks of any threats or unwanted occurrences.

"Oi, do you remember which brothel the great general visited last time?" the one with the bald head elbowed the other one, who had hair.