You have been eating well

Outside of the Agricultural research bureau in the private parking area, a package was delivered which Esong personally picked up. 

While he was doing this, two people inside of the bureau were peeping down at the space ship through the transparent windows. These two were older men and both of them were senior researchers in the bureau. When they were told that General Esong was coming because he had some business with them at the bureau, they anxiously waited for him to come in but the space ship parked and that was it.

"He has been here for over one hour but he is not coming in, I don't get it." one of the men said.

"What do you suppose he wants?" the other one man asked. 

"To watch us sweat Bell, what else could it be?" 

The man whose name was Bell looked at his colleague and he said, "I don't think so Oak, Esong Wu has better things to do with his time than come to the bureau to watch us sweat. Maybe he discovered a new species somewhere and he wants us to look at it."

"Unless it's related to his wife, news circulating everywhere is that she has discovered food in the Blue forest. We have been growing plants and trees for a hundred years with barely and progress. 

The things we grow either dry up or rot. he must be here regarding this."

"Doesn't he hate his wife?' Bell asked. 

Oak snorted and replied, "Who knows what happens between a man and a woman behind closed doors? Esong Wu has never come out to validate the rumor that he hates his wife."

"He has not come out to clear them up either." Bell retorted. "Look, we have seen him come out and pick up a package so we have confirmed that he is here on ground. We should get back to work, he will come in when he is ready."

Reluctantly, Oak left the window and he walked back to lab with Bell. 

Meanwhile, in the space ship Esong who had no idea that he had made the two researchers nervous was unboxing his package slowly. This time round, before studying the food container, he made sure that he took out everything from the package. 

He even shook the box to make sure that nothing was left inside the box. 

His four friends came closer and gathered around him curiously. 

"No wonder you give her gifts, brother, you have been feeding well." Folsom wrapped his arm around Esong's shoulder. 

"Esong, how could you keep this big secret from us?" Ian asked. 

"Her live broadcast is public, which secret did I keep from any of you?" Esong replied. 

There was a small sneaky smile on his face because there was a handwritten note on top of the food container. 

"Thank you for your patronage." it read. 

"Hmmm." he mumbled. 

Then he opened the food containers, one at a time. One had two pieces of chicken and a coleslaw salad. Two other containers were packed full of beef chopped into smaller pieces. All of the meals were still hot and beautifully golden brown. The two bottles of juice had different colors, one orange and one red. 

"Wow, she prepared a feast for you brother, It's almost as if she knows that she is sending this to her husband." Folsom commented.

 He tried to steal a piece of meat but as if Esong had eyes in the back of his head, he caught Folsom's hand. 

"Dammit!!!!" Folsom cursed. 

"Better luck next time." Cedric patted Folsom's back and he too attempted to steal. He was aiming for a piece of chicken. 

Just like Folsom was stopped, Cedric too was stopped. 

 Folsom decided to try another strategy. He looked pitifully at Esong and said, "Brother, after everything that we have been through, we should be able to share everything."

Esong saw how eager they all were looking at him. He relented because this was too much food and he did not know whether it could be stored and eaten later. 

"Next time, get your own damn food." Esong growled. 

Then he gave them one container of meat and two pieces of chicken. "Share that." 

Cedric hurried to take away the food and he tapped Esong on the back. "Esong you are the best." he said. 

'Yeah brother, you are the best." Ian concurred. 

On the other hand Folsom opened his mouth and said, "What about that colored drink?"

Esong glared at Folsom until he backed away. With some peace, he used the little plastic fork in the packaging to take the first bite of meat. It was tender and juicy, there was some spiciness added to it and it evoked these feelings of happiness from him.

While he was getting lost in the sweet taste of the meat, Folsom was screaming, 

"This is amazing, how did that woman discover such an amazing thing? Esong, how long have you known about this?"

The three men ate like starving vultures and the little food Esong gave them was quickly depleted. Their eyes turned to Esong. They were like predators and the little containers in Esong's hands were prey. 

"The three of you should go and scout the area ahead. I am ready for that meeting with the two researchers."

Esong's aim was to get the three men out of the space ship. After tasting the meat, he was unwilling to share and he thought that even this little meat would not be enough. 

"He-he, Esong, you can't do this to us." Folsom replied confidently. 

"If you don't move you will be on the first space ship to the Red planet as miners tomorrow. Even you Folsom, I was given authority over your placement."

The three men observed Esong's face for clues. It was always difficult to determine whether he was serious or joking sometimes. 

Esong looked at his most trusted men and he said, "This meeting is to secure seeds for Scarlet. I want to strike a deal with her to save a specific portion of her food for the mecha warriors. If you don't want to enjoy the sweet taste of food again, keep dawdling."