A ridiculous proposal.

Scarlet preferred to fool herself for a moment. "Dad, is that you?" she asked in a hopeful voice, 

There was a small part of her that was hoping her father or even any of her brothers had just walked in and not Esong Wu. 

"No, I am not your father." he replied. 

Scarlet had to give herself a pep talk in her head. "It's okay, you have your story straight, there is no need to panic." 

Her heart was beating fast but she put a stiff smile on her face and she spun around. She saw him standing in the entrance to the kitchen. His arms were folded against his chest and he looked ready to have a serious conversation.

"So," she said in a voice that was as calm as she possibly manage, "What are you seeking for in the kitchen?"

"I want to talk to you privately." he replied. 

Her mother and sister made themselves scarce without being asked. 

As soon as they left, Esong closed the door and suddenly it was just the two of them in the kitchen.