More than one night

Her mind whirled with countless thoughts and guesses about what choice he was talking about. Had he decided to take her up on that crazy offer which she made yesterday night? 

One that she was beginning to regret this day after seeing how unlikeable and infuriating he was. 

In her mind, she heard Severus say, "Wrap this up newbie, we have to collect souls." She had temporarily forgotten the major reason for their coming into the forest. For a small moment, she had lost track of her sensory faculty because of the way they were positioned. 

Did he even realize that with her back pinned against the tree, one of his legs in between hers with his eyes looking down into hers with that soft expression on his face and his hand gently touching her cheek they were practically reenacting a scene out of a romance movie. 

It looked as if they were about to kiss!!!!

Suddenly she started to panic, and in a small voice she asked him, "What have you decided?"