Planning a date

Because of her suggestion to go on a date with him, Esong met his men in his space ship to sit down and strategize as if he was going for war. He had never taken any woman on a date before, he hadn't the slightest clue how to act on one. Why had he said yes to this foolishness in the first place?

They were sitting in the central commanding unit of the space ship and Ian was showing them a map of the blue star.

"So, it's your first date with your wife of two and a half years. I swear if the paparazzi get hold of this news it will be headlines by tomorrow." Ian commented. "Anyway this planet has some beautiful places but I don't think your wife's idea of the date is being flown to any of them. She specified dinner and a movie."

"Bah..women tend to mean the opposite of what they say. She asked for a date so my opinion is that he goes all out. We have one hour left to sundown, are we doing this or not?"