Deciding to be a guardian reaper

She would have to do more research on that issue later, however, she was leaning towards the guardian reapers more than warrior reapers. One of the biggest reasons for her choice was because Ulysses and his friends that all happened to be assholes were warrior reapers. But first she wanted to take a look at the Dark rune village. 

"May I ask you to guide me to the Dark rune village then?" she asked Ruby. 

"Of course," Ruby agreed immediately, "Put your hand on my head and I will blink us there in a second." 

Not only did she agree, she did so with a smile on her face and Scarlet who had once been tricked by the old deity into becoming who and what she was today stopped her hand halfway. She pulled it back and hesitated for a few seconds. "What's the catch?" she asked Ruby.

"The catch for what?" Ruby asked, appearing to be genuinely confused. 

"Why do you want me to see the Dark rune village?"